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function taxonomy_display_form_fieldset in Taxonomy display 7

Helper function; retrieve the plugin fieldset from configuration form.

This is set up just so we don't break implementing modules in the future if we change the form placement for some reason.


array $form: Form array.

string $fetch: String either 'term', 'associated', or 'breadcrumb'.

Return value

array|FALSE Returns the form fieldset if valid, otherwise boolean false.

1 call to taxonomy_display_form_fieldset()
taxonomy_display_associated_display_handler_views_callback in handlers/associated/
Ajax callback; return just the term display sub-form.


./taxonomy_display.module, line 129
Hooks for the taxonomy display module.


function taxonomy_display_form_fieldset(&$form, $fetch = 'term') {
  if (isset($form['additional_settings']['taxonomy_display'][$fetch . '_display_form'])) {
    return $form['additional_settings']['taxonomy_display'][$fetch . '_display_form'];
  return FALSE;