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function taxonomy_breadcrumb_menu_alter in Taxonomy Breadcrumb 6

Implementation of hook_menu_alter().


./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module, line 91
The taxonomy_breadcrumb module generates taxonomy based breadcrumbs on node pages and taxonomy/term pages. The breadcrumb trail takes on the form: [HOME] >> [VOCABULARY] >> TERM >> [TERM] ...


function taxonomy_breadcrumb_menu_alter(&$items) {
  if (isset($items['taxonomy/term/%']['page callback'])) {
    $item =& $items['taxonomy/term/%'];

    // Store the original configuration, so we can pass it on to our own callback.
    $callback = $item['page callback'];
    $arguments = $item['page arguments'];
    $file = $item['file'];
    $filepath = isset($item['file path']) ? $item['file path'] : drupal_get_path('module', $item['module']);

    // Alter the original callback.
    $item['page callback'] = '_taxonomy_breadcrumb_term_page';
    $item['page arguments'] = array_merge(array(
    ), $arguments);
    $item['file'] = '';
    $item['file path'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_breadcrumb');