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function taxonomy_breadcrumb_admin_settings in Taxonomy Breadcrumb 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 taxonomy_breadcrumb.module \taxonomy_breadcrumb_admin_settings()
  2. 6 \taxonomy_breadcrumb_admin_settings()

Settings page for module.

1 string reference to 'taxonomy_breadcrumb_admin_settings'
taxonomy_breadcrumb_menu in ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module
Implements hook_menu().


./, line 11
Administration pages for taxonomy_breadcrumb


function taxonomy_breadcrumb_admin_settings($form, &$form_state) {
  $form['settings'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Basic settings'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
  $form['settings']['taxonomy_breadcrumb_home'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Home breadcrumb text'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomy_breadcrumb_home', t('Home')),
    '#description' => t('Text to display at top of breadcrumb trail. Typically home or your site name. Leave blank to have no home breadcrumb.'),

    // TODO - this functionality has been removed from DRUPAL 7.
    // TODO - is there still a way to do this?
    $form['settings']['taxonomy_breadcrumb_use_synonym'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Use the first term synonym instead of term name'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomy_breadcrumb_use_synonym', FALSE),
      '#description' => t("If enabled and if viewing a node, the term's first synonym will be used in the breadcrumb, instead of the term name."),
  $form['settings']['taxonomy_breadcrumb_page_title'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Show current page title in breadcrumb trail'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomy_breadcrumb_page_title', FALSE),
    '#description' => t("If enabled, the page title will be added as the last item in the breadcrumb trail."),
    '#weight' => 30,
  $form['advanced'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#description' => t('Use these advanced settings to control which node types the taxonomy-based breadcrumbs will be generated for.  This allows the taxonomy breadcrumb module to peacefully coexist with modules that define their own breadcrumbs, such as the book module.'),
    '#title' => t('Advanced settings'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
  $form['advanced']['taxonomy_breadcrumb_include_nodes'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Include or exclude the following node types'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomy_breadcrumb_include_nodes', 0),
    '#options' => array(
      1 => t('Include'),
      0 => t('Exclude'),
    '#weight' => 10,
  $tb_types = (array) variable_get('taxonomy_breadcrumb_node_types', TAXONOMY_BREADCRUMB_NODE_TYPES_DEFAULT);
  $default = array();
  foreach ($tb_types as $index => $value) {
    if ($value) {
      $default[] = $index;
  $form['advanced']['taxonomy_breadcrumb_node_types'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#multiple' => TRUE,
    '#title' => t('Node types to include or exclude'),
    '#default_value' => $default,
    '#options' => array_map('check_plain', node_type_get_names()),
    '#description' => t('A list of node types to include or exclude when applying taxonomy-based breadcrumbs.'),
    '#weight' => 20,
  return system_settings_form($form);