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Functions in Taxonomy Breadcrumb 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
taxonomy_breadcrumb_admin_settings ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module Settings page for module. 1
taxonomy_breadcrumb_form_alter ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module Implementation of hook_form_alter(). This must be used over hook_taxonomy to add the Breadcrumb Path fields to the vocabulary and term forms. The hook_taxonomy function does not provide a way to obtain the vid or tid of the vocabulary or term.
taxonomy_breadcrumb_generate_breadcrumb ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module If the current drupal path (q=) is /node/nid, generate the breadcrumb trail based on nid. 2
taxonomy_breadcrumb_get_term_path ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module Return the administrator defined term path for a given term ($tid). If a path doesn't exist, NULL is returned. 3
taxonomy_breadcrumb_get_vocabulary_path ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module Return the administrator defined vocabulary path for a given vocabulary ($vid). If a path doesn't exist, NULL is returned. 3
taxonomy_breadcrumb_help ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module Implementation of hook_help().
taxonomy_breadcrumb_install ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.install Implementation of hook_install().
taxonomy_breadcrumb_menu ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module Implementation of hook_menu().
taxonomy_breadcrumb_nodeapi ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
taxonomy_breadcrumb_node_get_lightest_term ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module Return lightest term for given node ($nid). Similar to taxonomy_node_get_terms, but only return the lightest term in the lightest vocab for the node. 1
taxonomy_breadcrumb_taxonomy ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module Implementation of hook_taxonomy(). This implementation checks to see if a vocabulary or term is being updated and makes the necessary changes in the taxonomy_breadcrumb database tables.
taxonomy_breadcrumb_term_page ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.module This function overrides the core taxonomy_term_page. First, call the core taxonomy_term_page. Then, alter the breadcrumb trail. This module's hook_menu and a module weight greater than taxonomy's ensure this function gets called for the… 1
taxonomy_breadcrumb_uninstall ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.install
taxonomy_breadcrumb_update_1 ./taxonomy_breadcrumb.install

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