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function _taxonomy_access_permissions_page in Taxonomy Access Control 5

Menu callback; presents the category permissions page of TAC (admin/user/taxonomy_access).

1 string reference to '_taxonomy_access_permissions_page'
taxonomy_access_menu in ./taxonomy_access.module
Implementation of hook_menu


./, line 38
Administrative interface for taxonomy access control.


function _taxonomy_access_permissions_page($edit = array()) {
  global $tac_user_roles;
  $rid = arg(3);
  $output = '';
  $tac_user_roles = user_roles();

  // Making permission matrix only if user_role is choosen
  if (isset($tac_user_roles[$rid])) {
    return drupal_get_form('_taxonomy_access_permissions_form', $rid);
  else {
    return theme_taxonomy_access_permissions_page();