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function taxonomy_access_list_enabled in Taxonomy Access Control 7

Wrapper for taxonomy_access_list_state() to check list grant filtering.

See also


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5 calls to taxonomy_access_list_enabled()
taxonomy_access_autocomplete_default_value in ./
Default value re-generation for autocomplete fields.
taxonomy_access_query_term_access_alter in ./taxonomy_access.module
Implements hook_query_TAG_alter() for 'term_access'.
_taxonomy_access_get_descendants in ./taxonomy_access.module
Gets term IDs for all descendants of the given term.
_taxonomy_access_get_vocabulary_terms in ./taxonomy_access.module
Gets term IDs for all terms in the vocabulary
_taxonomy_access_term_options in ./taxonomy_access.module
Field options callback to generate options unfiltered by list grants.


./taxonomy_access.module, line 1468
Allows administrators to specify access control for taxonomy categories.


function taxonomy_access_list_enabled() {
  return _taxonomy_access_list_state();