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6 calls to _taxonomy_access_cache_affected_nodes() in Taxonomy Access Control 6

taxonomy_access_admin_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for the administration form at admin/user/taxonomy_access.
taxonomy_access_set_default_grants in ./taxonomy_access.module
Updates default permissions for a role for a vocabulary. Note: This function adds nodes to the affected nodes cache. Callers should run _taxonomy_access_node_access_update() on _taxonomy_access_cache_affected_nodes() after all changes are processed.
taxonomy_access_set_term_grants in ./taxonomy_access.module
Updates permissions for a role for a term. Note: This function adds nodes to the affected nodes cache. Callers should run _taxonomy_access_node_access_update() on _taxonomy_access_cache_affected_nodes() after all changes are processed.
taxonomy_access_taxonomy in ./taxonomy_access.module
Implements hook_taxonomy().
taxonomy_access_term_submit in ./taxonomy_access.module
Submit handler for term deletions. Overrides term deletion handling to determine what node access to update.
taxonomy_access_vocabulary_delete_submit in ./taxonomy_access.module
Submit handler for vocabulary deletions. Overrides vocab deletion handling to determine what node access to update.