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function _taxonomy_access_grant_field_label in Taxonomy Access Control 7

Returns the proper invisible field label for each grant table element.

1 call to _taxonomy_access_grant_field_label()
taxonomy_access_admin_build_row in ./
Assembles a row of grant options for a term or default on the admin form.


./, line 563
Administrative interface for taxonomy access control.


function _taxonomy_access_grant_field_label($grant, $for = NULL) {
  if ($for) {
    $label = array(
    $titles = array(
      'view' => t('View grant for @label', $label),
      'update' => t('Update grant for @label', $label),
      'delete' => t('Delete grant for @label', $label),
      'create' => t('Add tag grant for @label', $label),
      'list' => t('View tag grant for @label', $label),
  else {
    $titles = array(
      'view' => t('View grant'),
      'update' => t('Update grant'),
      'delete' => t('Delete grant'),
      'create' => t('Add tag grant'),
      'list' => t('View tag grant'),
  return $titles[$grant];