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function _taxonomy_access_admin_instructions_html in Taxonomy Access Control 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \_taxonomy_access_admin_instructions_html()

Generates HTML markup with form instructions for the admin form.

Return value

Instructions HTML string.

1 call to _taxonomy_access_admin_instructions_html()
taxonomy_access_admin_form in ./
Form for managing grants by role.


./, line 481
Administrative interface for taxonomy access control.


function _taxonomy_access_admin_instructions_html() {
  $instructions = '';
  $instructions .= '' . "<br /><br />" . "<div class=\"instructions\">" . "<h2>" . t("Explanation of fields") . "</h2>" . _taxonomy_access_grant_help_table() . "<p>" . t('Options for View, Update, and Delete are <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>), <em>Ignore</em> (<acronym title="Ignore">I</acronym>), and <em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>).') . "</p>\n\n" . "<ul>\n" . "<li>" . t('<em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>) overrides <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>) within this role.') . "</li>" . "<li>" . t('Both <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>) and <em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>) override <em>Ignore</em> (<acronym title="Ignore">I</acronym>) within this role.') . "</li>" . "<li>" . t('If a user has <strong>multiple roles</strong>, an <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>) from another role <strong>will</strong> override a <em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>) here.') . "</li>" . "</ul>\n\n";
  if (arg(4) > 2) {

    // Role other than Anonymous or Authenticated
    $instructions .= '' . "<p>" . t('<strong>Remember:</strong> This role <strong>will</strong> inherit permissions from the <em>authenticated user</em> role.  Be sure to <a href="@url">configure the authenticated user</a> properly.', array(
      "@url" => url("admin/user/taxonomy_access/edit/2"),
    )) . "</p>\n\n";
  $instructions .= '' . "<p>" . t('For more information and for troubleshooting guidelines, see the <a href="@help">help page</a> and the !readme.', array(
    '@help' => url('admin/help/taxonomy_access'),
    '!readme' => "<code>README.txt</code>",
  )) . "</p>\n\n" . "</div>\n\n";
  return $instructions;