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Classes, traits, and interfaces in - Live chat application (Drupal 8) 8.2

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
TawkToCacheManager class Drupal\tawk_to\Cache src/Cache/TawkToCacheManager.php Defines the cache manager service. 1 2
TawkToConditionPluginsHandler class Drupal\tawk_to\Service src/Service/TawkToConditionPluginsHandler.php Defines the condition plugins handler. 1 2
TawkToEmbedRender class Drupal\tawk_to\Service src/Service/TawkToEmbedRender.php Defines the rendering service. 2
TawkToExtraSettingsForm class Drupal\tawk_to\Form src/Form/TawkToExtraSettingsForm.php Provides form for block instance forms. 1
TawkToWidgetController class Drupal\tawk_to\Controller src/Controller/TawkToWidgetController.php Controller routine that manages widget settings.

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