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abstract class TagadelicCloudBase in Tagadelic 8.3

Defines a base TagadelicCloud implementation.

All subclasses are responsible for their own implementation of the createTags function


Expanded class hierarchy of TagadelicCloudBase

2 files declare their use of TagadelicCloudBase
TagadelicCloudTaxonomy.php in src/TagadelicCloudTaxonomy.php
TagadelicCloudView.php in src/TagadelicCloudView.php


src/TagadelicCloudBase.php, line 16


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abstract class TagadelicCloudBase implements TagadelicCloudInterface {

   * An array of TagadelicTag objects.
  protected $tags;

   * #Amount of steps to weight the cloud in. Defaults to 6. Means: 6 different sized tags.
  private $steps = 6;

   * Constructor
  function __construct() {
    $this->tags = array();

   * @param $options. An array of properties that may be needed to create the tags array.
   * Poulate the member array of TagadelicTag objects
   * @return NULL.
  public abstract function createTags(array $options = array());

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getTags(array $options = array()) {
    return $this->tags;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function addTag(TagadelicTag $tag) {
    $this->tags[] = $tag;
    return $this;

   * @param $by_property. The property on which to sort.
   * Sorts the tags by given property.
   * @return $this; for chaining.
  protected function sort($by_property) {
    if ($by_property == "random") {
    else {

      //Bug in PHP, lets supress the error.
      @usort($this->tags, array(
    return $this;

   * (Re)calculates the weights on the tags.
   * @param $recalculate. Optional flag to enfore recalculation of the weights for the tags in this cloud.
   *        defaults to FALSE, meaning the value will be calculated once per cloud.
   *  @return $this; for chaining
  protected function recalculate() {
    $tags = array();

    // Find minimum and maximum log-count.
    $min = 1000000000.0;
    $max = -1000000000.0;
    foreach ($this->tags as $id => $tag) {
      $min = min($min, $tag
      $max = max($max, $tag
      $tags[$id] = $tag;

    // Note: we need to ensure the range is slightly too large to make sure even
    // the largest element is rounded down.
    $range = max(0.01, $max - $min) * 1.0001;
    foreach ($tags as $id => $tag) {
        ->setWeight(1 + floor($this->steps * ($tag
        ->distributed() - $min) / $range));
    return $this;
  private function cb_sort_by_name($a, $b) {
    return strcoll($a
      ->getName(), $b
  private function cb_sort_by_count($a, $b) {
    $ac = $a
    $bc = $b
    if ($ac == $bc) {
      return 0;

    //Highest first, High to low
    return $ac < $bc ? +1 : -1;
  private function resetTags() {
    $this->tags = array();



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
TagadelicCloudBase::$steps private property #Amount of steps to weight the cloud in. Defaults to 6. Means: 6 different sized tags.
TagadelicCloudBase::$tags protected property An array of TagadelicTag objects.
TagadelicCloudBase::addTag public function Add a TagadelicTag object to the tags array. Overrides TagadelicCloudInterface::addTag
TagadelicCloudBase::cb_sort_by_count private function
TagadelicCloudBase::cb_sort_by_name private function
TagadelicCloudBase::createTags abstract public function 2
TagadelicCloudBase::getTags public function Return an array of Tagadelic Tags. Overrides TagadelicCloudInterface::getTags
TagadelicCloudBase::recalculate protected function (Re)calculates the weights on the tags.
TagadelicCloudBase::resetTags private function
TagadelicCloudBase::sort protected function
TagadelicCloudBase::__construct function Constructor 1