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function tac_lite_user_presave in Taxonomy Access Control Lite 7

Implementation of hook_user_presave().

Move the tac_lite data into the data object


$edit: The array of form values submitted by the user.

$account: The user object on which the operation is performed.

$category: The active category of user information being edited.


./tac_lite.module, line 444
Control access to site content based on taxonomy, roles and users.


function tac_lite_user_presave(&$edit, $account, $category) {

  // Only proceed if we are in the tac_lite category.
  if ($category == 'tac_lite') {

    // Go through each scheme and copy the form value into the data element
    for ($i = 1; $i <= variable_get('tac_lite_schemes', 1); $i++) {
      $config = _tac_lite_config($i);
      if ($config['name']) {
        $edit['data'][$config['realm']] = $edit[$config['realm']];