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8 calls to _tac_lite_config() in Taxonomy Access Control Lite 7

tac_lite_admin_scheme_form in ./tac_lite.module
Returns the form for role-based privileges.
tac_lite_create_form_alter in ./tac_lite_create.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
tac_lite_form_alter in ./tac_lite.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
tac_lite_node_access_records in ./tac_lite.module
Implements hook_node_access_records().
tac_lite_node_grants in ./tac_lite.module
Implementation of hook_node_grants().
tac_lite_query_term_access_alter in ./tac_lite.module
Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
tac_lite_user_presave in ./tac_lite.module
Implementation of hook_user_presave().
_tac_lite_user_tids in ./tac_lite.module
Return the term ids of terms this user is allowed to access.