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function theme_tableofcontents_back_to_top in Table of Contents 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 \theme_tableofcontents_back_to_top()
  2. 7 \theme_tableofcontents_back_to_top()

Theme the output of the Back to Top link.

This way users can easily add an image instead of using the CSS arrow up as we have in the module.


$toc A TOC object with the options and levels.:

Return value

Rendered HTML to be displayed.

2 theme calls to theme_tableofcontents_back_to_top()
_tableofcontents_headers in ./
This function goes through all the headers found in the text.
_tableofcontents_process_text in ./tableofcontents.module
Developer function to apply TOC to any text $body has two assumptions for this function to work 1. It must have [toc] located somewhere in the text 2. It has already been processed by an input filter with toc enabled


./, line 232
Table of Contents - Versatile system for generating Tables of Contents for fields - themes.


function theme_tableofcontents_back_to_top($variables) {
  $toc = $variables['toc'];
  $label = check_plain($toc['back_to_top']['label']);
  $anchor = check_plain($toc['back_to_top']['anchor']);
  return "<div class='toc-back-to-top'><a href='#{$anchor}'>{$label}</a></div>";