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function _tableofcontents_filter_tips in Table of Contents 7.2

Implements hook_filter_FILTER_tips().

1 string reference to '_tableofcontents_filter_tips'
_tableofcontents_filter_info in ./
Implements hook_filter_info().


./, line 130
Table of Contents - Versatile system for generating Tables of Contents for fields - filters.


function _tableofcontents_filter_tips($filter, $format, $long = FALSE) {
  if (!$long) {
    return t('Use [toc ...] to insert a mediawiki style collapsible table of contents.');
  return t('Every instance of "[toc ...]" in the input text will be replaced with a collapsible mediawiki-style table of contents. Accepts options for title, list style, minimum heading level, and maximum heading level, and attachments as follows: [toc list: ol; title: Table of Contents; minlevel: 2; maxlevel: 3; attachments: yes;]. All arguments are optional.');