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function _tableofcontents_settings_submit in Table of Contents 7

Saves the filter settings.

1 string reference to '_tableofcontents_settings_submit'
tableofcontents_form_alter in ./tableofcontents.module
Add a field in nodes so one can mark the node as using a TOC without the need for the [toc] tag.


./, line 404
Include the different setup (administration forms) for the table of contents module.


function _tableofcontents_settings_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $format = $form_state['values']['format'];
  $filter_toc_settings = $form_state['values']['filters']['filter_toc']['settings']['tableofcontents'];
  foreach ($filter_toc_settings as $fieldset) {
    foreach ($fieldset as $filter_name => $value) {
      variable_set($filter_name, $value);