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class FieldQuery in Synonyms 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.0.x src/Plugin/Synonyms/Provider/Field.php \Drupal\synonyms\Plugin\Synonyms\Provider\FieldQuery

Hacked implementation of Entity query.


Expanded class hierarchy of FieldQuery


src/Plugin/Synonyms/Provider/Field.php, line 204


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class FieldQuery extends Query {

   * We need to be able to extract SQL query object.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface
   *   The return value
  public function getSqlQuery() {
    return $this->sqlQuery;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FieldQuery::getSqlQuery public function We need to be able to extract SQL query object.
Query::$connection protected property
Query::$sqlFields protected property An array of fields keyed by the field alias.
Query::$sqlGroupBy protected property An array of strings added as to the group by, keyed by the string to avoid duplicates.
Query::$sqlQuery protected property The build sql select query.
Query::$tables protected property The Tables object for this query.
Query::addSort protected function Adds the sort to the build query.
Query::compile protected function Compiles the conditions.
Query::execute public function Execute the query. Overrides QueryInterface::execute
Query::finish protected function Finish the query by adding fields, GROUP BY and range. 1
Query::getSqlField protected function Constructs a select expression for a given field and language.
Query::getTables public function Gets the Tables object for this query.
Query::isSimpleQuery protected function Determines whether the query requires GROUP BY and ORDER BY MIN/MAX.
Query::prepare protected function Prepares the basic query with proper metadata/tags and base fields. 2
Query::result protected function Executes the query and returns the result. 1
Query::__clone public function Implements the magic __clone method. Overrides QueryBase::__clone
Query::__construct public function Constructs a query object. Overrides QueryBase::__construct
Query::__toString public function Implements the magic __toString method.
QueryBase::$accessCheck protected property Whether access check is requested or not. Defaults to TRUE.
QueryBase::$aggregate protected property The list of aggregate expressions.
QueryBase::$allRevisions protected property Flag indicating whether to query the current revision or all revisions.
QueryBase::$alterMetaData protected property The query metadata for alter purposes.
QueryBase::$alterTags protected property The query tags.
QueryBase::$condition protected property Conditions. 1
QueryBase::$conditionAggregate protected property Aggregate Conditions
QueryBase::$count protected property TRUE if this is a count query, FALSE if it isn't.
QueryBase::$entityType protected property Information about the entity type. 1
QueryBase::$entityTypeId protected property The entity type this query runs against.
QueryBase::$groupBy protected property The list of columns to group on.
QueryBase::$latestRevision protected property Flag indicating whether to query the latest revision.
QueryBase::$namespaces protected property List of potential namespaces of the classes belonging to this query.
QueryBase::$pager protected property The query pager data.
QueryBase::$range protected property The query range.
QueryBase::$sort protected property The list of sorts.
QueryBase::$sortAggregate protected property The list of sorts over the aggregate results.
QueryBase::accessCheck public function Overrides QueryInterface::accessCheck
QueryBase::addMetaData public function Adds additional metadata to the query. Overrides AlterableInterface::addMetaData
QueryBase::addTag public function Adds a tag to a query. Overrides AlterableInterface::addTag
QueryBase::aggregate public function
QueryBase::allRevisions public function Queries all the revisions. Overrides QueryInterface::allRevisions
QueryBase::andConditionGroup public function Creates a new group of conditions ANDed together. Overrides QueryInterface::andConditionGroup
QueryBase::condition public function Add a condition to the query or a condition group. Overrides QueryInterface::condition 1
QueryBase::conditionAggregate public function
QueryBase::conditionGroupFactory protected function Creates an object holding a group of conditions.
QueryBase::count public function Makes this a count query. Overrides QueryInterface::count
QueryBase::currentRevision public function Queries the current revision. Overrides QueryInterface::currentRevision
QueryBase::exists public function Queries for a non-empty value on a field. Overrides QueryInterface::exists
QueryBase::getAggregationAlias protected function Generates an alias for a field and its aggregated function.
QueryBase::getClass public static function Finds a class in a list of namespaces.
QueryBase::getEntityTypeId public function Gets the ID of the entity type for this query. Overrides QueryInterface::getEntityTypeId
QueryBase::getMetaData public function Retrieves a given piece of metadata. Overrides AlterableInterface::getMetaData
QueryBase::getNamespaces public static function Gets a list of namespaces of the ancestors of a class.
QueryBase::groupBy public function
QueryBase::hasAllTags public function Determines if a given query has all specified tags. Overrides AlterableInterface::hasAllTags
QueryBase::hasAnyTag public function Determines if a given query has any specified tag. Overrides AlterableInterface::hasAnyTag
QueryBase::hasTag public function Determines if a given query has a given tag. Overrides AlterableInterface::hasTag
QueryBase::initializePager protected function Gets the total number of results and initialize a pager for the query.
QueryBase::latestRevision public function Queries the latest revision. Overrides QueryInterface::latestRevision
QueryBase::notExists public function Queries for an empty field. Overrides QueryInterface::notExists
QueryBase::orConditionGroup public function Creates a new group of conditions ORed together. Overrides QueryInterface::orConditionGroup
QueryBase::pager public function Enables a pager for the query. Overrides QueryInterface::pager
QueryBase::range public function Overrides QueryInterface::range
QueryBase::sort public function Overrides QueryInterface::sort
QueryBase::sortAggregate public function
QueryBase::tableSort public function Enables sortable tables for this query. Overrides QueryInterface::tableSort