class SWIFTMailSystem in Swift Mailer 7
@file The implementation of MailSystemInterface which delegates handling of e-mails to the Swift Mailer library.
- class \SWIFTMailSystem implements MailSystemInterface
Expanded class hierarchy of SWIFTMailSystem
2 string references to 'SWIFTMailSystem'
- swiftmailer_disable in ./
swiftmailer.install - Implements hook_disable().
- swiftmailer_enable in ./
swiftmailer.install - Implements hook_enable().
- includes/
classes/, line 8 - The implementation of MailSystemInterface which delegates handling of e-mails to the Swift Mailer library.
View source
class SWIFTMailSystem implements MailSystemInterface {
* Formats a message composed by drupal_mail().
* @see
* @param array $message
* A message array holding all relevant details for the message.
* @return string
* The message as it should be sent.
public function format(array $message) {
if (!empty($message) && is_array($message)) {
// Get default mail line endings and merge all lines in the e-mail body
// separated by the mail line endings.
$line_endings = variable_get('mail_line_endings', MAIL_LINE_ENDINGS);
$message['body'] = implode($line_endings, $message['body']);
// Get applicable format.
$applicable_format = $this
// Theme message if format is set to be HTML.
if ($applicable_format == SWIFTMAILER_FORMAT_HTML) {
if (isset($message['params']['theme'])) {
$message['body'] = theme($message['params']['theme'], $message);
else {
$message['body'] = theme('swiftmailer', $message);
if (variable_get('swiftmailer_convert_mode', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_CONVERT_MODE_DEFAULT) || !empty($message['params']['convert'])) {
switch (variable_get('swiftmailer_convert_library')) {
$message['plain'] = mailsystem_html_to_text($message['body']);
$converter = new Html2Text($message['body']);
$message['plain'] = $converter
// Process any images specified by 'image:' which are to be added later
// in the process. All we do here is to alter the message so that image
// paths are replaced with cid's. Each image gets added to the array
// which keeps track of which images to embed in the e-mail.
$embeddable_images = array();
$processed_images = array();
preg_match_all('/"image:([^"]+)"/', $message['body'], $embeddable_images);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($embeddable_images[0]); $i++) {
$image_id = $embeddable_images[0][$i];
if (isset($processed_images[$image_id])) {
$image_path = trim($embeddable_images[1][$i]);
$image_name = basename($image_path);
if (drupal_substr($image_path, 0, 1) == '/') {
$image_path = drupal_substr($image_path, 1);
$image = new stdClass();
$image->uri = $image_path;
$image->filename = $image_name;
$image->filemime = file_get_mimetype($image_path);
$image->cid = rand(0, 9999999999);
$message['params']['images'][] = $image;
$message['body'] = preg_replace($image_id, 'cid:' . $image->cid, $message['body']);
$processed_images[$image_id] = 1;
return $message;
* Sends a message composed by drupal_mail().
* @see
* @param array $message
* A message array holding all relevant details for the message.
* @return boolean
* TRUE if the message was successfully sent, and otherwise FALSE.
public function mail(array $message) {
// Include required files.
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/helpers/';
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/helpers/';
// Validate whether the Swift Mailer module has been configured.
$library_path = variable_get('swiftmailer_path', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_PATH_DEFAULT);
if (empty($library_path)) {
watchdog('swiftmailer', 'An attempt to send an e-mail failed. The Swift Mailer library could not be found by the Swift Mailer module.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
drupal_set_message(t('An attempt to send the e-mail failed. The e-mail has not been sent.'), 'error');
// Include the Swift Mailer library.
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $library_path . '/lib/swift_required.php';
try {
// Create a new message.
$m = Swift_Message::newInstance();
// Not all Drupal headers should be added to the e-mail message.
// Some headers must be suppressed in order for Swift Mailer to
// do its work properly.
$suppressable_headers = swiftmailer_get_supressable_headers();
// Keep track of whether we need to respect the provided e-mail
// format or not
$respect_format = variable_get('swiftmailer_respect_format', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_RESPECT_FORMAT_DEFAULT);
// Process headers provided by Drupal. We want to add all headers which
// are provided by Drupal to be added to the message. For each header we
// first have to find out what type of header it is, and then add it to
// the message as the particular header type.
if (!empty($message['headers']) && is_array($message['headers'])) {
foreach ($message['headers'] as $header_key => $header_value) {
// Check wether the current header key is empty or represents
// a header that should be suppressed. If yes, then skip header.
if (empty($header_key) || in_array($header_key, $suppressable_headers)) {
// Skip 'Content-Type' header if the message to be sent will be a
// multipart message or the provided format is not to be respected.
if ($header_key == 'Content-Type' && (!$respect_format || swiftmailer_is_multipart($message))) {
// Get header type.
$header_type = swiftmailer_get_headertype($header_key, $header_value);
// Add the current header to the e-mail message.
switch ($header_type) {
swiftmailer_add_id_header($m, $header_key, $header_value);
swiftmailer_add_path_header($m, $header_key, $header_value);
swiftmailer_add_mailbox_header($m, $header_key, $header_value);
swiftmailer_add_date_header($m, $header_key, $header_value);
swiftmailer_add_parameterized_header($m, $header_key, $header_value);
swiftmailer_add_text_header($m, $header_key, $header_value);
// Set basic message details.
swiftmailer_remove_header($m, 'From');
swiftmailer_remove_header($m, 'To');
swiftmailer_remove_header($m, 'Subject');
if ($message['from'] == variable_get('site_mail', '')) {
$sender_name = variable_get('swiftmailer_sender_name', '');
if (empty($sender_name)) {
$sender_name = variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal');
$sender_email = variable_get('swiftmailer_sender_email', '');
if (empty($sender_email)) {
$sender_email = variable_get('site_mail', '');
$message['from'] = '"' . $sender_name . '" <' . $sender_email . '>';
// Parse 'from' and 'to' mailboxes.
$from = swiftmailer_parse_mailboxes($message['from']);
$to = swiftmailer_parse_mailboxes($message['to']);
// Set 'from', 'to' and 'subject' headers.
// Get applicable format.
$applicable_format = $this
// Get applicable character set.
$applicable_charset = $this
// Set body.
->setBody($message['body'], $applicable_format, $applicable_charset);
// Add alternative plain text version if format is HTML and plain text
// version is available.
if ($applicable_format == SWIFTMAILER_FORMAT_HTML && !empty($message['plain'])) {
->addPart($message['plain'], SWIFTMAILER_FORMAT_PLAIN, $applicable_charset);
// Validate that $message['params']['files'] is an array.
if (empty($message['params']['files']) || !is_array($message['params']['files'])) {
$message['params']['files'] = array();
// Let other modules get the chance to add attachable files.
$files = module_invoke_all('swiftmailer_attach', $message['key']);
if (!empty($files) && is_array($files)) {
$message['params']['files'] = array_merge(array_values($message['params']['files']), array_values($files));
// Attach files.
if (!empty($message['params']['files']) && is_array($message['params']['files'])) {
->attach($m, $message['params']['files']);
// Attach files (provide compatibility with mimemail)
if (!empty($message['params']['attachments']) && is_array($message['params']['attachments'])) {
->attachAsMimeMail($m, $message['params']['attachments']);
// Embed images.
if (!empty($message['params']['images']) && is_array($message['params']['images'])) {
->embed($m, $message['params']['images']);
static $mailer;
// If required, create a mailer which will be used to send the message.
if (empty($mailer)) {
// Get the configured transport type.
$transport_type = variable_get('swiftmailer_transport', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_TRANSPORT_DEFAULT);
// Configure the mailer based on the configured transport type.
switch ($transport_type) {
// Get transport configuration.
$host = variable_get('swiftmailer_smtp_host', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_SMTP_HOST_DEFAULT);
$port = variable_get('swiftmailer_smtp_port', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_SMTP_PORT_DEFAULT);
$encryption = variable_get('swiftmailer_smtp_encryption', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_SMTP_ENCRYPTION_DEFAULT);
$username = variable_get('swiftmailer_smtp_username', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_SMTP_USERNAME_DEFAULT);
$password = variable_get('swiftmailer_smtp_password', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_SMTP_PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
// Instantiate transport.
$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($host, $port);
// Set encryption (if any).
if (!empty($encryption)) {
// Set username (if any).
if (!empty($username)) {
// Set password (if any).
if (!empty($password)) {
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
// Get transport configuration.
$path = variable_get('swiftmailer_sendmail_path', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_SENDMAIL_PATH_DEFAULT);
$mode = variable_get('swiftmailer_sendmail_mode', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_SENDMAIL_MODE_DEFAULT);
// Instantiate transport.
$transport = Swift_SendmailTransport::newInstance($path . ' -' . $mode);
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
// Instantiate transport.
$transport = Swift_MailTransport::newInstance();
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
// Instantiate transport.
$spooldir = variable_get('swiftmailer_spool_directory', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_SPOOL_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT);
$spool = new Swift_FileSpool($spooldir);
$transport = Swift_SpoolTransport::newInstance($spool);
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
drupal_alter('swiftmailer', $mailer, $m);
// Send the message.
return $mailer
} catch (Exception $e) {
$headers = !empty($m) ? $m
->getHeaders() : '';
$headers = !empty($headers) ? nl2br($headers
->toString()) : 'No headers were found.';
watchdog('swiftmailer', 'An attempt to send an e-mail message failed, and the following error
message was returned : @exception_message<br /><br />The e-mail carried
the following headers:<br /><br />!headers', array(
'@exception_message' => $e
'!headers' => $headers,
drupal_set_message(t('An attempt to send an e-mail message failed.'), 'error');
* Process attachments.
* @param Swift_Message $m
* The message which attachments are to be added to.
* @param array $files
* The files which are to be added as attachments to the provided message.
private function attach(Swift_Message $m, array $files) {
// Iterate through each array element.
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file instanceof stdClass) {
// Validate required fields.
if (empty($file->uri) || empty($file->filename) || empty($file->filemime)) {
// Get file data.
if (valid_url($file->uri, TRUE)) {
$content = file_get_contents($file->uri);
else {
$content = file_get_contents(drupal_realpath($file->uri));
$filename = $file->filename;
$filemime = $file->filemime;
// Attach file.
->attach(Swift_Attachment::newInstance($content, $filename, $filemime));
* Process MimeMail attachments.
* @param Swift_Message $m
* The message which attachments are to be added to.
* @param array $attachments.
* The attachments which are to be added message.
private function attachAsMimeMail(Swift_Message $m, array $attachments) {
// Iterate through each array element.
foreach ($attachments as $a) {
if (is_array($a)) {
// Validate that we've got either 'filepath' or 'filecontent.
if (empty($a['filepath']) && empty($a['filecontent'])) {
// Validate required fields.
if (empty($a['filename']) || empty($a['filemime'])) {
// Attach file (either using a static file or provided content).
if (!empty($a['filepath'])) {
$file = new stdClass();
$file->uri = $a['filepath'];
$file->filename = $a['filename'];
$file->filemime = $a['filemime'];
->attach($m, array(
else {
->attach(Swift_Attachment::newInstance($a['filecontent'], $a['filename'], $a['filemime']));
* Process inline images..
* @param Swift_Message $m
* The message which inline images are to be added to.
* @param array $images
* The images which are to be added as inline images to the provided
* message.
private function embed(Swift_Message $m, array $images) {
// Iterate through each array element.
foreach ($images as $image) {
if ($image instanceof stdClass) {
// Validate required fields.
if (empty($image->uri) || empty($image->filename) || empty($image->filemime) || empty($image->cid)) {
// Keep track of the 'cid' assigned to the embedded image.
$cid = NULL;
// Get image data.
if (valid_url($image->uri, TRUE)) {
$content = file_get_contents($image->uri);
else {
$content = file_get_contents(drupal_realpath($image->uri));
$filename = $image->filename;
$filemime = $image->filemime;
// Embed image.
$cid = $m
->embed(Swift_Image::newInstance($content, $filename, $filemime));
// The provided 'cid' needs to be replaced with the 'cid' returned
// by the Swift Mailer library.
$body = $m
$body = preg_replace('/cid:' . $image->cid . '/', $cid, $body);
* Returns the applicable format.
* @param array $message
* The message for which the applicable format is to be determined.
* @return string
* A string being the applicable format.
private function getApplicableFormat($message) {
// Get the configured default format.
$default_format = variable_get('swiftmailer_format', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_FORMAT_DEFAULT);
// Get whether the provided format is to be respected.
$respect_format = variable_get('swiftmailer_respect_format', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_RESPECT_FORMAT_DEFAULT);
// Check if a format has been provided particularly for this message. If
// that is the case, then apply that format instead of the default format.
$applicable_format = !empty($message['params']['format']) ? $message['params']['format'] : $default_format;
// Check if the provided format is to be respected, and if a format has been
// set through the header "Content-Type". If that is the case, the apply the
// format provided. This will override any format which may have been set
// through $message['params']['format'].
if ($respect_format && !empty($message['headers']['Content-Type'])) {
$format = $message['headers']['Content-Type'];
$format = preg_match('/.*\\;/U', $format, $matches);
if ($format > 0) {
$applicable_format = trim(substr($matches[0], 0, -1));
else {
$applicable_format = $default_format;
return $applicable_format;
* Returns the applicable charset.
* @param array $message
* The message for which the applicable charset is to be determined.
* @return string
* A string being the applicable charset.
private function getApplicableCharset($message) {
// Get the configured default format.
$default_charset = variable_get('swiftmailer_character_set', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_CHARACTER_SET_DEFAULT);
// Get whether the provided format is to be respected.
$respect_charset = variable_get('swiftmailer_respect_format', SWIFTMAILER_VARIABLE_RESPECT_FORMAT_DEFAULT);
// Check if a format has been provided particularly for this message. If
// that is the case, then apply that format instead of the default format.
$applicable_charset = !empty($message['params']['charset']) ? $message['params']['charset'] : $default_charset;
// Check if the provided format is to be respected, and if a format has been
// set through the header "Content-Type". If that is the case, the apply the
// format provided. This will override any format which may have been set
// through $message['params']['format'].
if ($respect_charset && !empty($message['headers']['Content-Type'])) {
$format = $message['headers']['Content-Type'];
$format = preg_match('/charset.*=.*\\;/U', $format, $matches);
if ($format > 0) {
$applicable_charset = trim(substr($matches[0], 0, -1));
$applicable_charset = preg_replace('/charset=/', '', $applicable_charset);
else {
$applicable_charset = $default_charset;
return $applicable_charset;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
SWIFTMailSystem:: |
private | function | Process attachments. | |
SWIFTMailSystem:: |
private | function | Process MimeMail attachments. | |
SWIFTMailSystem:: |
private | function | Process inline images.. | |
SWIFTMailSystem:: |
public | function |
Formats a message composed by drupal_mail(). Overrides MailSystemInterface:: |
SWIFTMailSystem:: |
private | function | Returns the applicable charset. | |
SWIFTMailSystem:: |
private | function | Returns the applicable format. | |
SWIFTMailSystem:: |
public | function |
Sends a message composed by drupal_mail(). Overrides MailSystemInterface:: |