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function theme_swftools_accessible_controls in SWF Tools 6.3

Builds a list of accessible controls for the specified player.

SWF Tools accessibility scripts use classes of the form !player-accessible-!action-!id. See theme_swftools_wijering4_accessible() for an example of how to implement accessible controls.


string $player: The player name to be made accessible (e.g. jwplayer4).

string $id: The id of the player these controls relate to.

array $actions: The list of actions as an associative array, where the key is the action name, and the value is the label. The calling function should translate the text first.

int $visible: Whether the controls should be visible. Options are one the following constants:

Return value

string HTML markup to generate a list.

Related topics

4 theme calls to theme_swftools_accessible_controls()
theme_swftools_flowplayer3_accessible in flowplayer3/swftools_flowplayer3.module
Returns markup to enable accessible controls for Flowplayer 3.
theme_swftools_jw5_accessible in jw5/swftools_jw5.module
Returns markup to enable accessible controls for the Wijering 4 player.
theme_swftools_wijering4_accessible in wijering4/swftools_wijering4.module
Returns markup to enable accessible controls for the Wijering 4 player.
theme_swftools_wpaudio_accessible in wpaudio/swftools_wpaudio.module
Returns markup to enable accessible controls for the WordPress audio player.


./swftools.module, line 2272
The primary component of SWF Tools that enables comprehensive media handling.


function theme_swftools_accessible_controls($player, $id, $actions, $visible) {
  foreach ($actions as $action => $label) {
    $list[] = l($label, '', array(
      'fragment' => ' ',
      'external' => TRUE,
      'attributes' => array(
        'class' => t('!player-accessible-!action-!id', array(
          '!player' => $player,
          '!action' => $action,
          '!id' => $id,
  return theme_item_list($list, '', 'ul', array(
    'class' => $visible == SWFTOOLS_ACCESSIBLE_VISIBLE ? '' : 'swftools-accessible-hidden',