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9 string references to 'swf' in SWF Tools 6.3

swftools_fix_old_action_names in ./swftools.module
Changes old action names to the new ones so existing content doesn't break.
swftools_form_swftools_admin_handling_form_alter in upload/swftools_upload.module
Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
swftools_get_players in ./swftools.module
Returns the default handlers, or customised handlers, for each action.
swftools_nodeapi in upload/swftools_upload.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
swftools_update_6015 in ./swftools.install
Accommodates renaming of swftools_swf.
swftools_update_6017 in ./swftools.install
Accommodates renaming of actions.
_swftools_actions in ./swftools.module
Returns an array of actions, keyed by file extension.
_swftools_admin_file_handling_options in includes/
_swftools_filter_process_text in ./swftools.module
Processes text obtained from the input filter.