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6 calls to swf() in SWF Tools 5

onepixelout_swf in onepixelout/onepixelout.module
Call swf(), enforcing the one pixel out player, for a single file Parameters are identical to swf()
simpleviewer_swf in simpleviewer/simpleviewer.module
Call swf(), enforcing SimpleViewer, for a pre-saved xml file Parameters are identical to swf()
swf_list in ./swftools.module
Output a playlist via a flash file. Note that $playlist_data has a specific format that will be documented later.
wijering_imagerotator_swf in wijering/wijering.module
Call swf(), enforcing the image rotator, for a single file (a pre-saved xml file) Parameters are identical to swf()
wijering_mediaplayer_swf in wijering/wijering.module
Call swf(), enforcing the wijering media player, for a single file. Parameters and calling are identical to swf()
_swftools_filter_process_text in ./swftools.module