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wijering.module in SWF Tools 5

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  1. 6 wijering/wijering.module
  2. 6.2 wijering/wijering.module


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 * SWF Tools - Jeroen Wijering's Flash Players
 * Enables the use of Jeroen Wijering's Flash Media and Flash Image
 * Rotator files, branded forms of which ship with SWF Tools module.
 * Author's Site.
define('WIJERING_MEDIAPLAYER', 'wijering_mediaplayer');

// 'player', can display mixed files
define('WIJERING_IMAGEROTATOR', 'wijering_imagerotator');

// 'player', can display images.

 * Implementation of swftools_methods hook
 * Report methods back to SWF Tools
function wijering_swftools_methods() {
  $methods = array();
  $media_player = array(
    'module' => 'wijering',
    'file' => 'file',
    // Define which flashvar to assign a 'file to play' variable.
    'version' => '7',
    'shared_file' => 'flash_media_player/mediaplayer.swf',
    'title' => t('Flash Media Player - Jeroen Wijering'),

  // Wijering support various actions with the same player and info.

  // And with rotator
  $image_rotator = array(
    'module' => 'wijering',
    'file' => 'file',
    // Define which flashvar to assign a 'file to play' variable.
    'version' => '7',
    'shared_file' => 'flash_image_rotator/imagerotator.swf',
    'title' => t('Flash Image Rotator - Jeroen Wijering'),
  return $methods;

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function wijering_menu($may_cache) {
  $items = array();
  if ($may_cache) {
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'admin/media/swf/wijering',
      'title' => t('Wijering Flash'),
      'callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'callback arguments' => 'wijering_admin_form',
      'description' => 'Plug-in for ' . l('Jeroen Wijering\'s Media Player', '') . '.',
  return $items;
function wijering_admin_form() {
  drupal_set_title('Jeroen Wijering - Flash Players');
  include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'wijering') . '/';
  return _wijering_admin_form();
function wijering_admin_form_submit($form_id, &$form_values) {
  include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'wijering') . '/';
  return _wijering_admin_form_submit($form_id, $form_values);

 * These are the default settings as they are stored in the database and displayed
 * on the settings page.
function _wijering_settings($player) {
  $opts = _wijering_options();
  switch ($player) {

      // Define the settings list.
      $defaults['boolean'] = array(
        'largecontrols' => 'default',
        'shuffle' => 'default',
        'linkfromdisplay' => 'default',
        'usecaptions' => 'default',
        'usefullscreen' => 'default',
        'usekeys' => 'default',
        'autoscroll' => 'default',
        'showdigits' => 'default',
        'showeq' => 'default',
        'showicons' => 'default',
        'thumbsinplaylist' => 'default',
        'autostart' => 'default',
        'enablejs' => 'default',
      $defaults['color'] = array(
        'backcolor' => '',
        'frontcolor' => '',
        'lightcolor' => '',
      $defaults['url'] = array(
        'logo' => '',
        'callback' => '',
        'captions' => '',
        'fsbuttonlink' => '',
        'link' => '',
        'streamscript' => '',
      $defaults['integer'] = array(
        'width' => '400',
        'height' => '320',
        'displayheight' => '',
        'displaywidth' => '',
        // default is blank, otherwise overrides 'displayheight'
        'bufferlength' => '',
        'rotatetime' => '',
        'volume' => '',
      $defaults['other'] = array(
        'type' => '',
        // Defaults to the filename extension.
        'repeat' => 'default',
        // This false is part of {true,false,list}
        'linktarget' => 'default',
        'overstretch' => 'default',
      $saved_settings = variable_get('swftools_' . WIJERING_MEDIAPLAYER, array());

      // Define the settings list.
      $defaults['boolean'] = array(
        'shuffle' => 'default',
        'shownavigation' => 'default',
        'linkfromdisplay' => 'default',
        'showicons' => 'default',
        'enablejs' => 'default',
      $defaults['color'] = array(
        'backcolor' => '',
        'frontcolor' => '',
        'lightcolor' => '',
      $defaults['url'] = array(
        'logo' => '',
        'link' => '',
      $defaults['integer'] = array(
        'width' => '400',
        'height' => '320',
        'rotatetime' => '3',
      $defaults['other'] = array(
        'transition' => 'default',
        'linktarget' => 'default',
        'overstretch' => 'default',
      $saved_settings = variable_get('swftools_' . WIJERING_IMAGEROTATOR, array());

  // Overwrite initialised variables with those that might be already saved.
  foreach ($defaults as $category => $vars) {
    foreach ($vars as $key => $setting) {
      if (isset($saved_settings[$key])) {
        $defaults[$category][$key] = $saved_settings[$key];
  return $defaults;

 * Implementation of swftools_flashvars hook.
 * Return an array of flashvars.
function wijering_swftools_flashvars($action, &$methods, &$vars) {

  // Pad out the user parameters (like those passed through swf(), with our
  // configured defaults, allowing the user parameters to dominate.
  $saved_settings = _wijering_flashvars($methods->player['name']);
  $saved = array();
  foreach ($saved_settings as $category => $settings) {
    $saved = array_merge($saved, $settings);
  $flashvars = array_merge($saved, $vars->flashvars);
  if (isset($flashvars['image']) && !valid_url($flashvars['image'], TRUE)) {
    $flashvars['image'] = swftools_get_media_url(swftools_get_media_path() . $flashvars['image']);
  if ($vars->params['width']) {
    $flashvars['width'] = $vars->params['width'];
  if ($vars->params['height']) {
    $flashvars['height'] = $vars->params['height'];

  // Return an array of flash variables
  return $flashvars;

 * This function is called from wijering_swftools_flashvars() which is called from swf()
 * It will return the default flashvar configuration, just prior to any overrides
 * passed into swf(). We start with the settings defined on admin/swf/wijering
 * which are returned by _wijering_settings(). Then we prepare these values for output
 * to html (eg. '1' become 'true') and we unset undefined flashvars to prevent their output.
function _wijering_flashvars($this_player) {

  // Cache this.
  static $flashvars = array();
  if (!count($flashvars)) {

    // Media Player
    foreach (array(
    ) as $player) {

      // Get saved settings for this method.
      $defaults = _wijering_settings($player);
      foreach ($defaults as $category => $vars) {
        foreach ($vars as $key => $setting) {
          if (!$setting || $setting == 'default') {
          else {
            switch ($category) {
              case 'color':
                $defaults['color'][$key] = str_replace('#', '0x', $defaults['color'][$key]);
              case 'boolean':
                $defaults['boolean'][$key] = _swftools_tf($defaults['boolean'][$key]);

      // Not the same as width/height. This determines the extended width OR height
      // past the main view area where the actual playlist file names can be found.
      // Setting both together is not supported.
      if ($defaults['integer']['displaywidth']) {
      else {
      $flashvars[$player] = $defaults;
  return $flashvars[$this_player];

 * flashvar and param option arrays. These are used for options settings in the
 * configuration screen.
function _wijering_options() {
  $options['overstretch'] = array(
    'default' => 'default',
    'false' => 'false',
    'true' => 'true',
    'fit' => 'fit',
    'none' => 'none',
  $options['repeat'] = array(
    'default' => 'default',
    'false' => 'false',
    'true' => 'true',
    'list' => 'list',
  $options['linktarget'] = array(
    'default' => 'default',
    '_self' => '_self',
    '_blank' => '_blank',
  $options['transition'] = array(
    'default' => 'default',
    'fade' => 'fade',
    'bgfade' => 'bgfade',
    'blocks' => 'blocks',
    'circles' => 'circles',
    'fluids' => 'fluids',
    'lines' => 'lines',
    'random' => 'random',
  $options['bool'] = array(
    'default' => 'default',
    'true' => 'true',
    'false' => 'false',
  return $options;
function swftools_wijering_mediaplayer_playlist($xml_data, &$method, &$vars) {
  $xml = '<playlist version="1" xmlns="">
            <title>' . $xml_data['header']['title'] . '</title>
  foreach ($xml_data['playlist'] as $track => $details) {
    if (!isset($details['background']) && strtolower(substr($details['fileurl'], -3, 3)) == 'mp3') {
      if (isset($vars->flashvars['image'])) {
        $details['background'] = swftools_get_media_url(swftools_get_media_path() . $vars->flashvars['image']);
      else {
        $details['background'] = SWFTOOLS_DEFAULT_BG;
    $xml .= "<track>\n";
    $xml .= "<title>" . $details['title'] . "</title>\n";
    $xml .= "<creator></creator>\n";
    $xml .= "<location>" . $details['fileurl'] . "</location>\n";
    $xml .= "<image>" . $details['background'] . "</image>\n";
    $xml .= "<info>" . $details['fileurl'] . "</info>\n";
    $xml .= "</track>\n";
  $xml .= '</trackList>
  return $xml;
function swftools_wijering_imagerotator_playlist($xml_data, &$method, &$vars) {
  $xml = '<playlist version="1" xmlns="">
            <title>' . $xml_data['header']['title'] . '</title>
  foreach ($xml_data['playlist'] as $track => $details) {
    $xml .= "<track>\n";
    $xml .= "<title>" . $details['title'] . "</title>\n";
    $xml .= "<creator></creator>\n";
    $xml .= "<location>" . $details['fileurl'] . "</location>\n";
    $xml .= "<info>" . $details['fileurl'] . "</info>\n";
    $xml .= "</track>\n";
  $xml .= '</trackList>
  return $xml;

 * Call swf(), enforcing the wijering media player, for a single file.
 * Parameters and calling are identical to swf()
function wijering_mediaplayer_swf($filepath, $params = SWFDEFAULT, $flashvars = SWFDEFAULT, $othervars = SWFDEFAULT, $methods = array()) {
  $methods['player'] = WIJERING_MEDIAPLAYER;
  return swf($filepath, $params, $flashvars, $othervars, $methods);

 * Call swf(), enforcing the wijering media player, for a list of files (like a playlist)
 * Parameters and calling are identical to swf_list()
function wijering_mediaplayer_swf_list($playlist_data, $params = SWFDEFAULT, $flashvars = SWFDEFAULT, $othervars = SWFDEFAULT, $methods = array()) {
  $methods['player'] = WIJERING_MEDIAPLAYER;
  return swf_list($playlist_data, $params, $flashvars, $othervars, $methods);

 * Call swf(), enforcing the image rotator, for a single file (a pre-saved xml file)
 * Parameters are identical to swf()
function wijering_imagerotator_swf($filepath, $params = SWFDEFAULT, $flashvars = SWFDEFAULT, $othervars = SWFDEFAULT, $methods = SWFDEFAULT, $debug = FALSE) {
  $methods['player'] = WIJERING_IMAGEROTATOR;
  return swf($playlist_data, $params, $flashvars, $othervars, $methods);

 * Call swf(), enforcing the wijering media player, for a list of files (like a playlist)
 * Parameters and calling are identical to swf_list()
function wijering_imagerotator_swf_list($playlist_data, $params = SWFDEFAULT, $flashvars = SWFDEFAULT, $othervars = SWFDEFAULT, $methods = array()) {
  $methods['player'] = WIJERING_IMAGEROTATOR;
  return swf_list($playlist_data, $params, $flashvars, $othervars, $methods);

 * Implementation of hook_swftools_variable_mapping.
function wijering_swftools_variable_mapping() {
  return array(
      'autostart' => 'flashvars',
      'repeat' => 'flashvars',
      'rotatetime' => 'flashvars',
      'backcolor' => 'flashvars',
      'frontcolor' => 'flashvars',
      'lightcolor' => 'flashvars',
      'displaywidth' => 'flashvars',
      'displayheight' => 'flashvars',
      'image' => 'flashvars',
      'transition' => 'flashvars',
      'rotatetime' => 'flashvars',
      'backcolor' => 'flashvars',
      'frontcolor' => 'flashvars',
      'lightcolor' => 'flashvars',


Namesort descending Description
wijering_imagerotator_swf Call swf(), enforcing the image rotator, for a single file (a pre-saved xml file) Parameters are identical to swf()
wijering_imagerotator_swf_list Call swf(), enforcing the wijering media player, for a list of files (like a playlist) Parameters and calling are identical to swf_list()
wijering_mediaplayer_swf Call swf(), enforcing the wijering media player, for a single file. Parameters and calling are identical to swf()
wijering_mediaplayer_swf_list Call swf(), enforcing the wijering media player, for a list of files (like a playlist) Parameters and calling are identical to swf_list()
wijering_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
wijering_swftools_flashvars Implementation of swftools_flashvars hook. Return an array of flashvars.
wijering_swftools_methods Implementation of swftools_methods hook Report methods back to SWF Tools
_wijering_flashvars This function is called from wijering_swftools_flashvars() which is called from swf() It will return the default flashvar configuration, just prior to any overrides passed into swf(). We start with the settings defined on admin/swf/wijering which are…
_wijering_options flashvar and param option arrays. These are used for options settings in the configuration screen.
_wijering_settings These are the default settings as they are stored in the database and displayed on the settings page.


Namesort descending Description
WIJERING_MEDIAPLAYER SWF Tools - Jeroen Wijering's Flash Players