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function _swftools_mime_types in SWF Tools 6.3

Returns an array of mime types, keyed by file extension.

2 calls to _swftools_mime_types()
swftools_admin_handling_form in includes/
swftools_file_download in ./swftools.module
Implementation of hook_file_download().


./swftools.module, line 2010
The primary component of SWF Tools that enables comprehensive media handling.


function _swftools_mime_types() {
  $defaults = array(
    'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
    'flv' => 'video/x-flv',
    'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg',
    'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
    'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
    'jpe' => 'image/jpeg',
    'png' => 'image/png',
    'gif' => 'image/gif',

  // Use settings from configuration page, or defaults
  $mime_types = variable_get('swftools_mime_types', $defaults);

  // Return the result
  return $mime_types;