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function swftools_simpleviewer_swftools_playlist_simpleviewer in SWF Tools 6.3

Implementation of hook_swftools_playlist().


simpleviewer/swftools_simpleviewer.module, line 78
Enables SWF Tools support for SimpleViewer.


function swftools_simpleviewer_swftools_playlist_simpleviewer(&$data) {

  // Get array of simpleviewer settings
  $saved_settings = _swftools_simpleviewer_vars($data['othervars']['profile']);

  // Extract any relevant xml settings from the $data['othervars'] array
  $user_xml = array_intersect_key($data['othervars'], $saved_settings['xml']);

  // Merge user defined xml parameters with default parameters
  $xml_vars = array_merge($saved_settings['xml'], $user_xml);

  // Extract any relevant flickr settings from the $data['othervars'] array
  $user_flickr = array_intersect_key($data['othervars'], $saved_settings['flickr']);

  // Merge user defined flickr parameters with default parameters
  $flickr_vars = array_merge($saved_settings['flickr'], $user_flickr);

  // If useFlickr is true then add the flickr settings to the array of xml parameters
  if ($flickr_vars['useFlickr'] == 'true' || $flickr_vars['useFlickr'] == 1) {

    // Set useFlickr 'true'
    $xml_vars['useFlickr'] = 'true';

    // If a username was specified include this as flickrUserName
    if ($flickr_vars['flickrUserName']) {
      $xml_vars['flickrUserName'] = $flickr_vars['flickrUserName'];

    // If flickrTags is not set, but tags is, then use tags
    if (!$flickr_vars['flickrTags'] && isset($data['othervars']['tags']) && $data['othervars']['tags']) {
      $flickr_vars['flickrTags'] = $data['othervars']['tags'];

    // TODO: Could we convert user_id to flickrUserName?
    // If tags were specified include them as flickrTags
    if ($flickr_vars['flickrTags']) {
      $xml_vars['flickrTags'] = $flickr_vars['flickrTags'];

  // Put xml_vars and base in to the header array so the xml themer can access them
  $data['othervars']['playlist_data']['header']['xml_vars'] = $xml_vars;
  $data['othervars']['playlist_data']['header']['base'] = $data['params']['base'];

  // Initialise a string to contain the elements
  $xml = '';

  // Iterate over the playlist to build elements xml
  if ($data['othervars']['playlist_data']['playlist']) {
    foreach ($data['othervars']['playlist_data']['playlist'] as $track => $details) {
      $xml .= theme('swftools_simpleviewer_playlist_element', $details, $saved_settings['imagecache']['imagecache'] == SWFTOOLS_UNDEFINED ? '' : $saved_settings['imagecache']['imagecache']);

  // Add xml wrapper around the elements
  $xml = theme('swftools_simpleviewer_playlist_wrapper', $data['othervars']['playlist_data']['header'], $xml);

  // Return the resulting xml
  return $xml;