function lutman_swftools_embed in SWF Tools 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5 lutman/lutman.module \lutman_swftools_embed()
- 6.2 lutman/lutman.module \lutman_swftools_embed()
Implementation of swftools_embed hook Returns the markup for the page, plus set necessary javascript.
- lutman/
lutman.module, line 30
function lutman_swftools_embed($action = 'add_js', $methods = FALSE, $vars = FALSE, $html_alt = '') {
static $lutman_has_run;
// Output javascript to the header
if (!$lutman_has_run) {
// Add jquery.flash.js
drupal_add_js(swftools_get_player_path() . '/lutman/jquery.flash.js');
drupal_add_js(_lutman_header_js(), 'inline', 'header');
$lutman_has_run = TRUE;
if ($action == 'add_js') {
// Exit early having put the javascript in the header.
// Use time() to prevent caching issues.
$html = '<div id="swfobject-id-' . time() . $unique_id . '" class="swftools lutman" ' . swftools_json_params($vars->params, 'swftools') . ' ' . ">\n" . $html_alt . '</div>';
return $html;