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function _swftools_flexpaper_flashvars in SWF Tools 6.3

Retrieves the player default settings and unsets any that are empty.

Return value

array An array of settings.

1 call to _swftools_flexpaper_flashvars()
swftools_flexpaper_swftools_preprocess_flexpaper in flexpaper/swftools_flexpaper.module
Implementation of hook_swftools_preprocess_[player]().


flexpaper/swftools_flexpaper.module, line 123
Enables SWF Tools support for the FlexPaper PDF viewer.


function _swftools_flexpaper_flashvars($profile) {

  // Initialise cache to handle repeated calls
  static $cache = array();

  // Store name of profile
  $_profile = $profile;
  if ($profile === '') {
    $_profile = '__default';

  // If no settings stored for this profile then fetch them
  if (!isset($cache[$_profile])) {

    // Get default/saved settings
    $settings = _swftools_flexpaper_settings($profile);

    // Store the result
    $cache[$_profile] = $settings;

  // Return the settings
  return $cache[$_profile];