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function SWFObject::getFlashObject in SWF Embed 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 swfembed.module \SWFObject::getFlashObject()

Get the flash object file path.

2 calls to SWFObject::getFlashObject()
SWFObject::getDimension in ./swfembed.module
Get a single dimension for this SWF file.
SWFObject::toArray in ./swfembed.module
Convert this to an array ready for serializing. This is a special-purpose method for turning this object into a configuration array. It is not a general purpose serialization method.


./swfembed.module, line 198
The main file for swfembed.


Generic data object for describing an SWF configuration.


function getFlashObject() {
  return $this->flashObject;