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function template_preprocess_sweaver_plugin in Sweaver 7

Same name in this branch
  1. 7 skins/default/ \template_preprocess_sweaver_plugin()
  2. 7 skins/grey/ \template_preprocess_sweaver_plugin()
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 skins/default/ \template_preprocess_sweaver_plugin()
  2. 6 skins/grey/ \template_preprocess_sweaver_plugin()

Editor frontend.


skins/default/, line 11
Sweaver theming functions.


function template_preprocess_sweaver_plugin(&$vars) {
  $form =& $vars['form'];
  $active_tab = '';
  $sweaver_open = '';
  $sweaver_height = '';
  $vars['tabs'] = array();
  $vars['tabs_data'] = array();
  $vars['sweaver_popup'] = '';
  $i = 0;
  foreach ($form['#plugins_order'] as $plugin_name => $weight) {
    if ($i == 0 && $plugin_name != 'sweaver_plugin') {
      $active_tab = $plugin_name;
    $object = Sweaver::get_instance()
      ->sweaver_form_render($vars, $form, $form['#plugins_full'][$plugin_name]);

  // Active tab.
  if (isset($_COOKIE['sweaver_active_tab']) && !empty($_COOKIE['sweaver_active_tab'])) {
    $active_tab = str_replace('tab-', '', $_COOKIE['sweaver_active_tab']);
  $vars['active_tab'] = $active_tab;

  // Open or closed.
  if (isset($_COOKIE['sweaver_open']) && !empty($_COOKIE['sweaver_open'])) {
    $sweaver_open = $_COOKIE['sweaver_open'];
  $vars['sweaver_open'] = $sweaver_open;

  // Height of content area.
  if (isset($_COOKIE['sweaver_height']) && !empty($_COOKIE['sweaver_height'])) {
    $sweaver_height = $_COOKIE['sweaver_height'];
  $vars['sweaver_height'] = $sweaver_height;

  // Rest of the form.
  $vars['rest_of_form'] = drupal_render_children($form);