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CHANGELOG.txt in SVG Embed 7

drd 7.x-1.x-dev

drd 7.x-1.2, 2016-11-28
#2824364 by jurgenhaas: Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference
#2083449 by jurgenhaas: PNG Fallback
#2646262 by millerrs: Add support for tspan element
#2399767 Remove the xml header from embedded svg files

drd 7.x-1.1, 2014-03-10
FIX #2211053 by @Chismen: Change the order in the regex as PHP for some reason didn't like the \\ as the last pattern.

drd 7.x-1.0, 2014-03-03
IMPROVE #1764648 by @gregbern: Improve the regular expression to find all valid filenames.


View source
  1. drd 7.x-1.x-dev
  2. ---------------
  3. drd 7.x-1.2, 2016-11-28
  4. -----------------------
  5. #2824364 by jurgenhaas: Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference
  6. #2083449 by jurgenhaas: PNG Fallback
  7. #2646262 by millerrs: Add support for tspan element
  8. #2399767 Remove the xml header from embedded svg files
  9. drd 7.x-1.1, 2014-03-10
  10. -----------------------
  11. FIX #2211053 by @Chismen: Change the order in the regex as PHP for some reason didn't like the \\ as the last pattern.
  12. drd 7.x-1.0, 2014-03-03
  13. -----------------------
  14. IMPROVE #1764648 by @gregbern: Improve the regular expression to find all valid filenames.