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7 calls to _support_pm_first_day() in Support Ticketing System 7

support_pm_admin_reports in support_pm/
support_pm_day_load in support_pm/support_pm.module
support_pm_plan_overview_weekly in support_pm/support_pm.module
support_pm_user_week_submit in support_pm/support_pm.module
Save user's week plan.
theme_support_pm_pager in support_pm/support_pm.module
Helper function to show previous and next weeks.
theme_support_pm_user_week in support_pm/support_pm.module
TODO: Auto-calculate totals whenever a field is updated.
_support_pm_dates in support_pm/support_pm.module
Return array of days, $timestamp => $day where $timestamp is the first second of the named $day.