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MAIL.txt in Support Ticketing System 7

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  1. 6 MAIL.txt
Support will send out email notifications when tickets are created and updated.
How these messages are sent depends on whether your Support clients are
integrated or not.  An integrated client allows users to reply to notifications
by email and thus to update tickets without even logging into your website.
A non-integrated client only sends email, it does not receive it.

For non-integrated clients, you can optionally configure the email address
where notifications come from at "Administer >> Support >> Settings" in
the "Default mail from address" field.  If you leave this field blank, Support
will get the email from your global Drupal site_mail setting.  If that is also
blank, it will take the default address defined by sendmail.

For integrated clients, you are required to enter a from address. When creating
a client at "Administer >> Support >> Clients >> Add client", you will need
to open the "Inbound email integration" fieldset and configure all the fields
contained within.  Inbound email integration requires that the client have a
dedicated email address for sending and receiving ticket notifications and
updates.  Each field is fully defined on the client administration page.

If you enable support_mailcmd.module and are using integrated clients, you may
change many of the ticket fields via email using bugzilla "" syntax.

The general format of a message when utilizing this functionality is as follows:

Subject: Example Ticket

@state = pending
@priority = critical
@assigned =
@suppress = yes

Example ticket body.

The possible fields are:

@state -- Name of ticket state to set.
@priority -- Name of ticket priority to set.
@client -- Name of client to move ticket to. (Not implemented currently)
@assigned -- Username to assign ticket to, or "unassign" to unassign the ticket.
@suppress -- yes / no, whether or not to suppress notification.

If you are using support_timer.module, you can also submit elapsed time via email:

@timer_date -- Timer date. Accepts the same format as the form. (dd mmm yyyy)
@elapsed -- Time spent. Accepts the same format as the form. (hh:mm:ss)
@summary -- Summary for reporting.

Both @timer_date and @elapsed must be specified if you wish to submit time.

Any unrecognized fields or attempts to modify fields in a way that is not
permitted will be silently ignored. The section containing fields must appear at
the top of the message and will not appear in the final ticket.

The Support module send out two different notification emails.  It sounds out
emails when new tickets are created, and emails when existing tickets are
updated.  The subject and body of these emails is defined in the
_support_mail_text() function in the support module.  There is no GUI to
modify the ticket text, however fortunately you can still modify this text
without directly editing the support module.

Each notification is broken into a subject and a body.  The default text for
notifications sent when tickets are created is as follows:

"!key !ticket_subject"

"!update_username has created the ticket '!ticket_subject':\n!ticket_url\n\nState: !state\nPriority: !priority\n\nYou can visit the following URL to update this ticket:\n!update_url\n\nTicket text:\n------------------------------\n!ticket_body\n------------------------------\n\nUnsubscribe from this ticket:\n!unsubscribe_ticket\n\nUnsubscribe from all tickets:\n!unsubscribe_all"

The default text for notifications sent when tickets are updated is as follows:

"!key !ticket_subject"

"!update_username has updated the ticket '!ticket_subject':\n!ticket_url\n\nState: !state\nPriority: !priority\n\nYou can visit the following URL to update this ticket:\n!update_url\n\nUpdate text:\n------------------------------\n!update\n------------------------------\n\nUnsubscribe from this ticket:\n!unsubscribe_ticket\n\nUnsubscribe from all tickets:\n!unsubscribe_all"

Any of these values can be modified by setting them in your settings.php Drupal
configuration file.  For example, to modify the subject for all notifications,
you could define the following lines in your settings.php:
  $conf['support_mail_ticket_new_subject'] = '[My Website] !key !ticket_subject';
  $conf['support_mail_ticket_comment_new_subject'] = '[My Website] !key !ticket_subject';

This modification appends "[My Website] " to the start of the subject of all

To modify the notification bodies, you can set the support_mail_ticket_new_body
and support_mail_ticket_comment_new_body variables in your settings.php.  For example, to create a very simple notification email you could add the following to your settings.php configuration file:
  $conf['support_mail_ticket_new_body'] = "!update_username has created the ticket '!ticket_subject'.  View the ticket online at:\n!update_url";
  $conf['support_mail_ticket_comment_new_body'] = "!update_username has updated the ticket '!ticket_subject'.  View the ticket online at:\n!update_url";

The various "!key" and "!ticket_subject" words are tokens which are
automatically replaced by the Support module when notifications are mailed
out.  All tokens are defined in the support_mail_tokens() functions in the
Support module.

Supported tokens:
 !username: the name of the user who is receiving the notification.
 !key: the [tkt:#] format key identifying the ticket.
 !update_username: the username of the user who created/updated the ticket.
 !update_realname: the real name of the user who created/updated the ticket if
                   defined, otherwise it will display the username.
 !site: the name of your website.
 !client_name: the name of the client the ticket is assigned to
 !client_path: the path name of the client the ticket is assigned to
 !uri: the fully qualified base path to your website.
 !uri_brief: The base path to your website without http:// or https://.
 !mailto: The email address receiving the notification.
 !date: A 'medium' formatted timestamp of the current time.
 !ticket_subject: The new or updated ticket subject.
 !ticket_body: The body of the new ticket.
 !ticket_url: The URL of a newly created ticket.
 !update_url: The URL of a specific ticket update.
 !update: The body of a ticket update.
 !state: The state of the ticket (new and old if changed).
 !priority: The priority of the ticket (new and old if changed).
 !assigned_username: the username of the user who the ticket is assigned to.
 !assigned_realname: the real name of the user who the ticket is assigned to if
                     defined, otherwise it will display the username.
 !unsubscribe_ticket: A url for unsubscribing for the current ticket.
 !unsubscribe_all: A url for unsubscribing from all tickets.


View source
  1. Support will send out email notifications when tickets are created and updated.
  2. How these messages are sent depends on whether your Support clients are
  3. integrated or not. An integrated client allows users to reply to notifications
  4. by email and thus to update tickets without even logging into your website.
  5. A non-integrated client only sends email, it does not receive it.
  6. For non-integrated clients, you can optionally configure the email address
  7. where notifications come from at "Administer >> Support >> Settings" in
  8. the "Default mail from address" field. If you leave this field blank, Support
  9. will get the email from your global Drupal site_mail setting. If that is also
  10. blank, it will take the default address defined by sendmail.
  11. For integrated clients, you are required to enter a from address. When creating
  12. a client at "Administer >> Support >> Clients >> Add client", you will need
  13. to open the "Inbound email integration" fieldset and configure all the fields
  14. contained within. Inbound email integration requires that the client have a
  15. dedicated email address for sending and receiving ticket notifications and
  16. updates. Each field is fully defined on the client administration page.
  17. If you enable support_mailcmd.module and are using integrated clients, you may
  18. change many of the ticket fields via email using bugzilla "" syntax.
  19. The general format of a message when utilizing this functionality is as follows:
  20. --
  21. From:
  22. Subject: Example Ticket
  23. @state = pending
  24. @priority = critical
  25. @assigned =
  26. @suppress = yes
  27. Example ticket body.
  28. --
  29. The possible fields are:
  30. @state -- Name of ticket state to set.
  31. @priority -- Name of ticket priority to set.
  32. @client -- Name of client to move ticket to. (Not implemented currently)
  33. @assigned -- Username to assign ticket to, or "unassign" to unassign the ticket.
  34. @suppress -- yes / no, whether or not to suppress notification.
  35. If you are using support_timer.module, you can also submit elapsed time via email:
  36. @timer_date -- Timer date. Accepts the same format as the form. (dd mmm yyyy)
  37. @elapsed -- Time spent. Accepts the same format as the form. (hh:mm:ss)
  38. @summary -- Summary for reporting.
  39. Both @timer_date and @elapsed must be specified if you wish to submit time.
  40. Any unrecognized fields or attempts to modify fields in a way that is not
  41. permitted will be silently ignored. The section containing fields must appear at
  42. the top of the message and will not appear in the final ticket.
  43. The Support module send out two different notification emails. It sounds out
  44. emails when new tickets are created, and emails when existing tickets are
  45. updated. The subject and body of these emails is defined in the
  46. _support_mail_text() function in the support module. There is no GUI to
  47. modify the ticket text, however fortunately you can still modify this text
  48. without directly editing the support module.
  49. Each notification is broken into a subject and a body. The default text for
  50. notifications sent when tickets are created is as follows:
  51. ticket_new_subject:
  52. "!key !ticket_subject"
  53. ticket_new_body:
  54. "!update_username has created the ticket '!ticket_subject':\n!ticket_url\n\nState: !state\nPriority: !priority\n\nYou can visit the following URL to update this ticket:\n!update_url\n\nTicket text:\n------------------------------\n!ticket_body\n------------------------------\n\nUnsubscribe from this ticket:\n!unsubscribe_ticket\n\nUnsubscribe from all tickets:\n!unsubscribe_all"
  55. The default text for notifications sent when tickets are updated is as follows:
  56. ticket_comment_new_subject:
  57. "!key !ticket_subject"
  58. ticket_comment_new_body:
  59. "!update_username has updated the ticket '!ticket_subject':\n!ticket_url\n\nState: !state\nPriority: !priority\n\nYou can visit the following URL to update this ticket:\n!update_url\n\nUpdate text:\n------------------------------\n!update\n------------------------------\n\nUnsubscribe from this ticket:\n!unsubscribe_ticket\n\nUnsubscribe from all tickets:\n!unsubscribe_all"
  60. Any of these values can be modified by setting them in your settings.php Drupal
  61. configuration file. For example, to modify the subject for all notifications,
  62. you could define the following lines in your settings.php:
  63. $conf['support_mail_ticket_new_subject'] = '[My Website] !key !ticket_subject';
  64. $conf['support_mail_ticket_comment_new_subject'] = '[My Website] !key !ticket_subject';
  65. This modification appends "[My Website] " to the start of the subject of all
  66. notifications.
  67. To modify the notification bodies, you can set the support_mail_ticket_new_body
  68. and support_mail_ticket_comment_new_body variables in your settings.php. For example, to create a very simple notification email you could add the following to your settings.php configuration file:
  69. $conf['support_mail_ticket_new_body'] = "!update_username has created the ticket '!ticket_subject'. View the ticket online at:\n!update_url";
  70. $conf['support_mail_ticket_comment_new_body'] = "!update_username has updated the ticket '!ticket_subject'. View the ticket online at:\n!update_url";
  71. The various "!key" and "!ticket_subject" words are tokens which are
  72. automatically replaced by the Support module when notifications are mailed
  73. out. All tokens are defined in the support_mail_tokens() functions in the
  74. Support module.
  75. Supported tokens:
  76. !username: the name of the user who is receiving the notification.
  77. !key: the [tkt:#] format key identifying the ticket.
  78. !update_username: the username of the user who created/updated the ticket.
  79. !update_realname: the real name of the user who created/updated the ticket if
  80. defined, otherwise it will display the username.
  81. !site: the name of your website.
  82. !client_name: the name of the client the ticket is assigned to
  83. !client_path: the path name of the client the ticket is assigned to
  84. !uri: the fully qualified base path to your website.
  85. !uri_brief: The base path to your website without http:// or https://.
  86. !mailto: The email address receiving the notification.
  87. !date: A 'medium' formatted timestamp of the current time.
  88. !ticket_subject: The new or updated ticket subject.
  89. !ticket_body: The body of the new ticket.
  90. !ticket_url: The URL of a newly created ticket.
  91. !update_url: The URL of a specific ticket update.
  92. !update: The body of a ticket update.
  93. !state: The state of the ticket (new and old if changed).
  94. !priority: The priority of the ticket (new and old if changed).
  95. !assigned_username: the username of the user who the ticket is assigned to.
  96. !assigned_realname: the real name of the user who the ticket is assigned to if
  97. defined, otherwise it will display the username.
  98. !unsubscribe_ticket: A url for unsubscribing for the current ticket.
  99. !unsubscribe_all: A url for unsubscribing from all tickets.