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class ChainedFastBackend in Supercache 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.0.x src/Cache/ChainedFastBackend.php \Drupal\supercache\Cache\ChainedFastBackend

Defines a backend with a fast and a consistent backend chain.

In order to mitigate a network roundtrip for each cache get operation, this cache allows a fast backend to be put in front of a slow(er) backend. Typically the fast backend will be something like APCu, and be bound to a single web node, and will not require a network round trip to fetch a cache item. The fast backend will also typically be inconsistent (will only see changes from one web node). The slower backend will be something like Mysql, Memcached or Redis, and will be used by all web nodes, thus making it consistent, but also require a network round trip for each cache get.

In addition to being useful for sites running on multiple web nodes, this backend can also be useful for sites running on a single web node where the fast backend (For example, APCu) isn't shareable between the web and CLI processes. Single-node configurations that don't have that limitation can just use the fast cache backend directly.

We always use the fast backend when reading (get()) entries from cache, but check whether they were created before the last write (set()) to this (chained) cache backend. Those cache entries that were created before the last write are discarded, but we use their cache IDs to then read them from the consistent (slower) cache backend instead; at the same time we update the fast cache backend so that the next read will hit the faster backend again. Hence we can guarantee that the cache entries we return are all up-to-date, and maximally exploit the faster cache backend. This cache backend uses and maintains a "last write timestamp" to determine which cache entries should be discarded.

Because this backend will mark all the cache entries in a bin as out-dated for each write to a bin, it is best suited to bins with fewer changes.

Note that this is designed specifically for combining a fast inconsistent cache backend with a slower consistent cache back-end. To still function correctly, it needs to do a consistency check (see the "last write timestamp" logic). This contrasts with \Drupal\Core\Cache\BackendChain, which assumes both chained cache backends are consistent, thus a consistency check being pointless.


Expanded class hierarchy of ChainedFastBackend

See also



src/Cache/ChainedFastBackend.php, line 57
Contains \Drupal\supercache\Cache\ChainedFastBackend.


View source
class ChainedFastBackend implements CacheBackendInterface {
  use CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait;

   * @var string
  protected $bin;

   * The consistent cache backend.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface
  protected $consistentBackend;

   * The fast cache backend.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface
  protected $fastBackend;

   * Constructs a ChainedFastBackend object.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface $consistent_backend
   *   The consistent cache backend.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface $fast_backend
   *   The fast cache backend.
   * @param string $bin
   *   The cache bin for which the object is created.
   * @throws \Exception
   *   When the consistent cache backend and the fast cache backend are the same
   *   service.
  public function __construct(CacheBackendInterface $consistent_backend, CacheBackendInterface $fast_backend, $bin, $mark_as_outdated_explicit = FALSE) {
    if ($consistent_backend == $fast_backend) {

      // @todo: should throw a proper exception. See
      trigger_error('Consistent cache backend and fast cache backend cannot use the same service.', E_USER_ERROR);
    $this->consistentBackend = $consistent_backend;
    $this->fastBackend = $fast_backend;
    $this->bin = 'cache_' . $bin;

    // We explicitly execute the outdated call on shutdown.
    $this->doMarkAsOutdatedExplicit = $mark_as_outdated_explicit;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function get($cid, $allow_invalid = FALSE) {
    $cids = array(
    $cache = $this
      ->getMultiple($cids, $allow_invalid);
    return reset($cache);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getMultiple(&$cids, $allow_invalid = FALSE) {
    $cids_copy = $cids;
    $cache = array();

    // If we can determine the time at which the last write to the consistent
    // backend occurred (we might not be able to if it has been recently
    // flushed/restarted), then we can use that to validate items from the fast
    // backend, so try to get those first. Otherwise, we can't assume that
    // anything in the fast backend is valid, so don't even bother fetching
    // from there.
    $last_write_timestamp = $this
    if ($last_write_timestamp) {

      // Items in the fast backend might be invalid based on their timestamp,
      // but we can't check the timestamp prior to getting the item, which
      // includes unserializing it. However, unserializing an invalid item can
      // throw an exception. For example, a __wakeup() implementation that
      // receives object properties containing references to code or data that
      // no longer exists in the application's current state.
      // Unserializing invalid data, whether it throws an exception or not, is
      // a waste of time, but we only incur it while a cache invalidation has
      // not yet finished propagating to all the fast backend instances.
      // Most cache backend implementations should not wrap their internal
      // get() implementations with a try/catch, because they have no reason to
      // assume that their data is invalid, and doing so would mask
      // unserialization errors of valid data. We do so here, only because the
      // fast backend is non-authoritative, and after discarding its
      // exceptions, we proceed to check the consistent (authoritative) backend
      // and allow exceptions from that to bubble up.
      try {
        $items = $this->fastBackend
          ->getMultiple($cids, $allow_invalid);
      } catch (\Exception $e) {
        $cids = $cids_copy;
        $items = array();

      // Even if items were successfully fetched from the fast backend, they
      // are potentially invalid if older than the last time the bin was
      // written to in the consistent backend, so only keep ones that aren't.
      foreach ($items as $item) {
        if ($item->created < $last_write_timestamp) {
          $cids[array_search($item->cid, $cids_copy)] = $item->cid;
        else {
          $cache[$item->cid] = $item;

    // If there were any cache entries that were not available in the fast
    // backend, retrieve them from the consistent backend and store them in the
    // fast one.
    if ($cids) {
      $missing = array();
      foreach ($this->consistentBackend
        ->getMultiple($cids, $allow_invalid) as $item) {
        $cache[$item->cid] = $item;
        $missing[$item->cid] = (array) $item;
      if (!empty($missing)) {

        // TODO: Expiration data from the consistent
        // backend is lost here. We are setting items
        // in the fast backend with permanent status...
        // But time based expirations are becoming less
        // relevant, and considering that the items
        // in the consistent backend will actually expire
        // properly, this might not be that of an issue.

      // This means that the persistent backend has no lastWriteTimestamp
      // but we were able to retrieve data from it....
      if (!$last_write_timestamp && !empty($missing)) {
    return $cache;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function set($cid, $data, $expire = Cache::PERMANENT, array $tags = array()) {
      ->set($cid, $data, $expire, $tags);
      ->set($cid, $data, $expire, $tags);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setMultiple(array $items) {
    if (empty($items)) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function delete($cid) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function deleteMultiple(array $cids) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function deleteAll() {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function garbageCollection() {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function removeBin() {

   * @todo Document in
  public function reset() {
    $this->lastWrite = NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function invalidate($cid) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function invalidateMultiple(array $cids) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function invalidateAll() {

   * Shutdown functions.
   * Using __destruct() proved to be problematic
   * with some some cache backends such as couchbase
   * with custom transcoders or the
   * test bot.
   * But because binaries are not services... we rely
   * on the ChainedFastBackend factory to subscribe to
   * the onKernelTerminate event and call us.
  public function onKernelTerminate() {

    // Once this is done here, any further invalidations
    // must be done as they come.
    $this->doMarkAsOutdatedExplicit = FALSE;

  #region Helper implementations for CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFastStorage($cid) {
    return $this->fastBackend

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getPersistentStorage($cid) {
    return $this->consistentBackend

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setFastStorage($cid, $value) {
      ->set($cid, $value);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setPersistentStorage($cid, $value) {
      ->set($cid, $value);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function clearFastStorage($cid, $value) {



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
CacheBackendInterface::CACHE_PERMANENT constant Indicates that the item should never be removed unless explicitly deleted.
ChainedFastBackend::$bin protected property
ChainedFastBackend::$consistentBackend protected property The consistent cache backend.
ChainedFastBackend::$fastBackend protected property The fast cache backend.
ChainedFastBackend::clearFastStorage public function Overrides CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::clearFastStorage
ChainedFastBackend::delete public function Deletes an item from the cache. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::delete
ChainedFastBackend::deleteAll public function Deletes all cache items in a bin. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::deleteAll
ChainedFastBackend::deleteMultiple public function Deletes multiple items from the cache. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::deleteMultiple
ChainedFastBackend::garbageCollection public function Performs garbage collection on a cache bin. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::garbageCollection
ChainedFastBackend::get public function Returns data from the persistent cache. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::get
ChainedFastBackend::getFastStorage public function Overrides CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::getFastStorage
ChainedFastBackend::getMultiple public function Returns data from the persistent cache when given an array of cache IDs. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::getMultiple
ChainedFastBackend::getPersistentStorage public function Overrides CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::getPersistentStorage
ChainedFastBackend::invalidate public function Marks a cache item as invalid. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::invalidate
ChainedFastBackend::invalidateAll public function Marks all cache items as invalid. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::invalidateAll
ChainedFastBackend::invalidateMultiple public function Marks cache items as invalid. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::invalidateMultiple
ChainedFastBackend::onKernelTerminate public function Shutdown functions.
ChainedFastBackend::removeBin public function Remove a cache bin. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::removeBin
ChainedFastBackend::reset public function @todo Document in
ChainedFastBackend::set public function Stores data in the persistent cache. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::set
ChainedFastBackend::setFastStorage public function Overrides CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::setFastStorage
ChainedFastBackend::setMultiple public function Store multiple items in the persistent cache. Overrides CacheBackendInterface::setMultiple
ChainedFastBackend::setPersistentStorage public function Overrides CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::setPersistentStorage
ChainedFastBackend::__construct public function Constructs a ChainedFastBackend object.
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::$doMarkAsOutdatedExplicit protected property For the persistent backend to be marked as outdated the implementing class must explictly call
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::$fastStorageInvalid protected property Summary of $fastStorageInvalid
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::$headId protected property Identifier for the instance of the volatile storage.
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::$headKey protected property Key used to store the coordinated write counters.
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::$lastWrite protected property The time at which the last write to this cache bin happened.
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::$last_invalidation protected property Last timestamp that a local invalidation took place.
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::$writeKey protected property Key used to store the coordinated write counters.
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::clearFastStorageIfInvalid protected function Some storage backends cannot rely on the information provided by $this->getLastWrite() to tell what items they should invalidate. Calling this method will clear all of the fast backend if it is considered not to be consistent with the contents of…
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::doMarkAsOutdatedExplicitCall protected function To be called by the implementing class whenever it wants to persistent the last invalidation.
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::getHeadId protected function Retrieve the key that identifies the volatile storage head.
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::getLastWrite protected function Items retrieve from the persistent backend that have been modified prior to this timestamp are to be considered outdated.
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::markAsOutdated protected function Notify that a write has happened, it does not inmediately invalidate the persistent storage.
CoordinatedWriteCounterTrait::_doMarkAsOutdated protected function Mark as outdated.