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function subscriptions_mail_template_raw in Subscriptions 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 \subscriptions_mail_template_raw()
  2. 7 \subscriptions_mail_template_raw()
  3. 2.0.x subscriptions_mail/ \subscriptions_mail_template_raw()
1 call to subscriptions_mail_template_raw()
subscriptions_mail_template in ./


./, line 11
Subscriptions module mail templates constants.


function subscriptions_mail_template_raw($key, $langcode) {
  switch ($key) {
    case 'SEP':
      return t('| --------------------------------------------------------------------
', array(), $langcode);
    case 'SUBJ':
      return t('[!site] !subs_type subscription for !name: !title', array(), $langcode);
    case 'FOOT':
      return t('| This is an automated message. Please do NOT reply to the sender address!
| To manage your subscriptions go to
| !manage_url
', array(), $langcode);
    case 'BODY':
      return t('| Greetings, !name.
| Your subscription on !site
| notifies you of {{!is_new==0?:a new post:
}}{{!is_updated==0?:an updated post:
}}{{!is_old==0?:new comments:
{{!is_published==1?:| ***** This post is unpublished! *****
}}{{!term_name==!term_name?:| Category: !term_name
}}{{!sender_name==!sender_name?:| Author: !sender_name
}}{{!sender_has_contact_page==0?:| Contact: !sender_contact_page
}}| Title: !title

}}| Link: !url
| Direct unsubscribe link (!subs_type):
| !unsubscribe_url
{{!has_new_comments==1?!SEPARATOR!comments:}}!SEPARATOR!FOOTER', array(
        '!SEPARATOR' => subscriptions_mail_template_raw('SEP', $langcode),
        '!FOOTER' => subscriptions_mail_template_raw('FOOT', $langcode),
      ), $langcode);
    case 'CITEM':
      return t('| {{!comment_is_new==1?New:Updated}} {{!comment_is_published==1?:UNPUBLISHED }}comment:
| Author: !comment_name
| Title: !comment_title


| Link: !comment_url
', array(), $langcode);
    case 'DSUBJ':
      return t('[!site] Subscription Digest for !name', array(), $langcode);
    case 'DBODY':
      return t('| Greetings, !name.
| Your subscriptions on !site
| notify you of the following changes since the previous digest:
!bodies!SEPARATOR!FOOTER', array(
        '!SEPARATOR' => subscriptions_mail_template_raw('SEP', $langcode),
        '!FOOTER' => subscriptions_mail_template_raw('FOOT', $langcode),
      ), $langcode);
    case 'DITEM':
      return t('{{!sender_name==!sender_name?:| Author: !sender_name
}}| Title: !title
}}| Link: !url
| Direct unsubscribe link (!subs_type):
| !unsubscribe_url
{{!has_new_comments!=1?:!comments}}', array(), $langcode);
    case 'DITEMCMT':
      return t('| Comment: !comment_title
', array(), $langcode);