function subscriptions_content_form_comment_form_alter in Subscriptions 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6 subscriptions_content.module \subscriptions_content_form_comment_form_alter()
- 2.0.x subscriptions_content/subscriptions_content.module \subscriptions_content_form_comment_form_alter()
Implements hook_form_alter().
Adds the Send Subscriptions Notifications checkbox to the Administration Options fieldset on the comment edit form.
array $form:
- ./
subscriptions_content.module, line 577 - Subscriptions to content events
function subscriptions_content_form_comment_form_alter(array &$form, array &$form_state) {
$is_update = isset($form['cid']['#value']);
$is_unpublished = $is_update ? $form['author']['status']['#default_value'] : !user_access('post comments without approval');
if (user_access('administer comments')) {
$tr = 't';
$item =& $form['author']['subscriptions_notify'];
$item['#type'] = 'item';
$item['subscriptions_notify'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Send subscriptions notifications'),
$node = node_load($form['nid']['#value']);
$default_workflow = subscriptions_content_get_default_workflow($node->type);
if ($is_update && $is_unpublished) {
$item['#description'] = t('Subscriptions notifications are not sent for unpublished comments (except to users who have the %administer_comments permission), but when you change !Status to %Published, Subscriptions will send out "new" notifications, unless you suppress this here. ', array(
'%administer_comments' => $tr('administer comments'),
'!Status' => $tr('Status'),
'%Published' => $tr('Published'),
$item['subscriptions_notify']['#default_value'] = in_array('c_unpub', $default_workflow);
elseif ($is_unpublished) {
$item['#description'] = t('Subscriptions notifications are not sent for unpublished comments, except to users who have the %administer_comments permission, and you can even suppress the latter here.', array(
'%administer_comments' => $tr('administer comments'),
$item['subscriptions_notify']['#default_value'] = in_array('c_new', $default_workflow);
else {
// published, new or update
$item['#description'] = t('You can suppress sending subscriptions notifications here; this option is not saved.');
$item['subscriptions_notify']['#default_value'] = in_array($is_update ? 'c_pub' : 'c_new', $default_workflow);