function _subscriptions_content_format_comments in Subscriptions 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 subscriptions_content.module \_subscriptions_content_format_comments()
Given a comment template returns a formatted text of comments for given node.
2 calls to _subscriptions_content_format_comments()
- _subscriptions_content_node_mailvars in ./
subscriptions_content.module - Fill given array of mailvars with given node values.
- _subscriptions_mail_cron in ./ - Implementation of hook_cron().
- ./
subscriptions_content.module, line 692 - Subscriptions to content events
function _subscriptions_content_format_comments($node, $comment_template, $separator) {
$comments = array();
foreach ($node->_subscriptions_comments as $comment) {
$mailvars = array(
'!comment_name' => $comment->uid == 0 ? variable_get('anonymous', '!comment_name') : $comment->name,
'!comment_uid' => $comment->uid,
'!comment_title' => trim($comment->subject),
'!comment_text' => _subscriptions_content_format_text($comment->comment, $comment->format),
'!comment_cid' => $comment->cid,
'!comment_nid' => $comment->nid,
'!comment_url' => url('node/' . $comment->nid, array(
'fragment' => 'comment-' . $comment->cid,
'absolute' => TRUE,
'!comment_is_new' => (int) $comment->_subscriptions_is_new,
'!comment_is_published' => (int) ($comment->status == COMMENT_PUBLISHED),
if (function_exists('realname_make_name')) {
$mailvars += array(
'!comment_realname' => realname_make_name($comment),
$template = module_invoke('subscriptions_mail', 'template_preprocess', $comment_template, $mailvars);
$comments[] = strtr($template ? $template : $comment_template, $mailvars);
return implode($separator, $comments);