function _subscriptions_content_access in Subscriptions 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 subscriptions_content.module \_subscriptions_content_access()
- 6 subscriptions_content.module \_subscriptions_content_access()
- 2.0.x subscriptions_content/subscriptions_content.module \_subscriptions_content_access()
Implements _hook_access(), subhook of hook_subscriptions().
string $load_function:
string $load_args:
object $node:
Return value
- ./
subscriptions_content.module, line 175 - Subscriptions to content events
function _subscriptions_content_access($load_function, $load_args, $node) {
///global $user; /// keep this for remote debugging
if (($load_function == 'subscriptions_content_load_node' || $load_function == 'subscriptions_content_load_comment' && !empty($node->_subscriptions_comments)) && ($node->status || user_access('administer nodes')) && node_access('view', $node)) {
if (!empty($node->type) && subscriptions_content_type_is_blocked($node->type) && !user_access('subscribe to all content types')) {
return FALSE;
// We vote 'yes'. Other modules might vote 'no' and then that wins.
///watchdog('subs debug', "_sca returns TRUE for node $node->nid, user $user->uid."); ///
return TRUE;
///watchdog('subs debug', "_sca: node_access('view', $node->nid) returns ". node_access('view', $node) ." for user $user->uid."); ///
return NULL;