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function subscriptions_cck_subscriptions_tokens_list in Subscriptions 6

Implementation of hook_subscriptions_tokens_list().

Provide replacable tokens for mail_edit.


./subscriptions_cck.module, line 16
Provide support of CCK fields by adding corresponding mailvars.


function subscriptions_cck_subscriptions_tokens_list($mailkey, $options = array()) {
  $tr = 't';
  $variables = array(
    '%fieldname' => '<fieldname>',
    $tr('content type'),
  $tokens = array(
    '!ccklabel_&lt;fieldname&gt;' => t('The label for the CCK field %fieldname, as defined for your !content_type.', $variables),
    '!cckvalue1_&lt;fieldname&gt;' => t('The value(s) of the CCK field %fieldname, as defined for your !content_type, comma-separated.', $variables),
    '!cckvalue2_&lt;fieldname&gt;' => t('The value(s) of the CCK field %fieldname, as defined for your !content_type, newline-separated.', $variables),
  return $tokens;