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class JsonPathReplacer in Subrequests 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/JsonPathReplacer.php \Drupal\subrequests\JsonPathReplacer


Expanded class hierarchy of JsonPathReplacer

2 files declare their use of JsonPathReplacer
JsonPathReplacerTest.php in tests/src/Unit/JsonPathReplacerTest.php
SubrequestsManagerTest.php in tests/src/Unit/SubrequestsManagerTest.php
1 string reference to 'JsonPathReplacer' in ./
1 service uses JsonPathReplacer
subrequests.json_path_replacer in ./


src/JsonPathReplacer.php, line 10


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class JsonPathReplacer {

   * Performs the JSON Path replacements in the whole batch.
   * @param \Drupal\subrequests\Subrequest[] $batch
   *   The subrequests that contain replacement tokens.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response[] $responses
   *   The accumulated responses from previous requests.
   * @return \Drupal\subrequests\Subrequest[]
   *   An array of subrequests. Note that one input subrequest can generate N
   *   output subrequests. This is because JSON path expressinos can return
   *   multiple values.
  public function replaceBatch(array $batch, array $responses) {
    return array_reduce($batch, function (array $carry, Subrequest $subrequest) use ($responses) {
      return array_merge($carry, $this
        ->replaceItem($subrequest, $responses));
    }, []);

   * Searches for JSONPath tokens in the request and replaces it with the values
   * from previous responses.
   * @param \Drupal\subrequests\Subrequest $subrequest
   *   The list of requests that can contain tokens.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response[] $pool
   *   The pool of responses that can content the values to replace.
   * @returns \Drupal\subrequests\Subrequest[]
   *   The new list of requests. Note that if a JSONPath token yields many
   *   values then several replaced subrequests will be generated from the input
   *   subrequest.
  protected function replaceItem(Subrequest $subrequest, array $pool) {
    $token_replacements = [
      'uri' => $this
        ->extractTokenReplacements($subrequest, 'uri', $pool),
      'body' => $this
        ->extractTokenReplacements($subrequest, 'body', $pool),
    if (count($token_replacements['uri']) !== 0) {
      return $this
        ->doReplaceTokensInLocation($token_replacements, $subrequest, 'uri'), $pool);
    if (count($token_replacements['body']) !== 0) {
      return $this
        ->doReplaceTokensInLocation($token_replacements, $subrequest, 'body'), $pool);

    // If there are no replacements necessary, then just return the initial
    // request.
    $subrequest->_resolved = TRUE;
    return [

   * Creates replacements for either the body or the URI.
   * @param array $token_replacements
   *   Holds the info to replace text.
   * @param \Drupal\subrequests\Subrequest $tokenized_subrequest
   *   The original copy of the subrequest.
   * @param string $token_location
   *   Either 'body' or 'uri'.
   * @returns \Drupal\subrequests\Subrequest[]
   *   The replaced subrequests.
   * @private
  protected function doReplaceTokensInLocation(array $token_replacements, $tokenized_subrequest, $token_location) {
    $replacements = [];
    $tokens_per_content_id = $token_replacements[$token_location];
    $index = 0;

    // First figure out the different token resolutions and their token.
    $grouped_by_token = [];
    foreach ($tokens_per_content_id as $resolutions_per_token) {
      foreach ($resolutions_per_token as $token => $resolutions) {
        $grouped_by_token[] = array_map(function ($resolution) use ($token) {
          return [
            'token' => $token,
            'value' => $resolution,
        }, $resolutions);

    // Then calculate the points.
    $points = $this
    foreach ($points as $point) {

      // Clone the subrequest.
      $cloned = clone $tokenized_subrequest;
      $cloned->requestId = sprintf('%s#%s{%s}', $tokenized_subrequest->requestId, $token_location, $index);

      // Now replace all the tokens in the request member.
      $token_subject = $this
        ->serializeMember($token_location, $cloned->{$token_location});
      foreach ($point as $replacement) {

        // Do all the different replacements on the same subject.
        $token_subject = $this
          ->replaceTokenSubject($replacement['token'], $replacement['value'], $token_subject);
      $cloned->{$token_location} = $this
        ->deserializeMember($token_location, $token_subject);
      array_push($replacements, $cloned);
    return $replacements;

   * Does the replacement on the token subject.
   * @param string $token
   *   The thing to replace.
   * @param string $value
   *   The thing to replace it with.
   * @param string $token_subject
   *   The thing to replace it on.
   * @returns string
   *   The replaced string.
  protected function replaceTokenSubject($token, $value, $token_subject) {

    // Escape regular expression.
    if (is_int($value) || is_float($value) || is_bool($value)) {
      if (is_bool($value)) {
        $value = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
      $regexp = sprintf('/%s/', preg_quote("\"{$token}\""), '/');
      $token_subject = preg_replace($regexp, $value, $token_subject);
    $regexp = sprintf('/%s/', preg_quote($token), '/');
    return preg_replace($regexp, $value, $token_subject);

   * Generates a list of sets of coordinates for the token replacements.
   * Each point (coordinates set) end up creating a new clone of the tokenized
   * subrequest.
   * @param array $grouped_by_token
   *   Replacements grouped by token.
   * @return array
   *   The coordinates sets.
  protected function getPoints($grouped_by_token) {
    $current_group = array_shift($grouped_by_token);

    // If this is not the last group, then call recursively.
    if (empty($grouped_by_token)) {
      return array_map(function ($item) {
        return [
      }, $current_group);
    $points = [];
    foreach ($current_group as $resolution_info) {

      // Get all the combinations for the next groups.
      $next_points = $this
      foreach ($next_points as $next_point) {

        // Prepend the current resolution for each point.
        $points[] = array_merge([
        ], $next_point);
    return $points;

   * Makes sure that the subject for replacement is a string.
   * This is an abstraction to be able to treat 'uri' and 'body' replacements
   * the same way.
   * @param string $member_name
   *   Either 'body' or 'uri'.
   * @param mixed $value
   *   The contents of the URI or the subrequest body.
   * @returns string
   *   The serialized member.
  protected function serializeMember($member_name, $value) {
    return $member_name === 'body' ? Json::encode($value) : $value;

   * Undoes the serialization that happened in _serializeMember.
   * This is an abstraction to be able to treat 'uri' and 'body' replacements
   * the same way.
   * @param string $member_name
   *   Either 'body' or 'uri'.
   * @param string $serialized
   *   The contents of the serialized URI or the serialized subrequest body.
   * @returns mixed
   *   The unserialized member.
  protected function deserializeMember($member_name, $serialized) {
    return $member_name === 'body' ? Json::decode($serialized) : $serialized;

   * Extracts the token replacements for a given subrequest.
   * Given a subrequest there can be N tokens to be replaced. Each token can
   * result in an list of values to be replaced. Each token may refer to many
   * subjects, if the subrequest referenced in the token ended up spawning
   * multiple responses. This function detects the tokens and finds the
   * replacements for each token. Then returns a data structure that contains a
   * list of replacements. Each item contains all the replacement needed to get
   * a response for the initial request, given a particular subject for a
   * particular JSONPath replacement.
   * @param \Drupal\subrequests\Subrequest $subrequest
   *   The subrequest that contains the tokens.
   * @param string $token_location
   *   Indicates if we are dealing with body or URI replacements.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response[] pool
   *   The collection of prior responses available for use with JSONPath.
   * @returns array
   *   The structure containing a list of replacements for a subject response
   *   and a replacement candidate.
  protected function extractTokenReplacements(Subrequest $subrequest, $token_location, array $pool) {

    // Turn the subject into a string.
    $regexp_subject = $token_location === 'body' ? Json::encode($subrequest->body) : $subrequest->uri;

    // First find all the replacements to do. Use a regular expression to detect
    // cases like "…{{req1.body@$}}…"
    $found = $this

    // Make sure that duplicated tokens in the same location are treated as the
    // same thing.
    $found = array_values(array_reduce($found, function ($carry, $match) {
      $carry[$match[0]] = $match;
      return $carry;
    }, []));

    // Then calculate the replacements we will need to return.
    $reducer = function ($token_replacements, $match) use ($pool) {

      // Remove the .body part at the end since we only support the body
      // replacement at this moment.
      $provided_id = preg_replace('/\\.body$/', '', $match[1]);

      // Calculate what are the subjects to execute the JSONPath against.
      $subjects = array_filter($pool, function (Response $response) use ($provided_id) {

        // The response is considered a subject if it matches the content ID or
        // it is a generated copy based of that content ID.
        $pattern = sprintf('/%s(#.*)?/', preg_quote($provided_id));
        $content_id = $this
        return preg_match($pattern, $content_id);
      if (count($subjects) === 0) {
        $candidates = array_map(function ($response) {
          $candidate = $this
          return preg_replace('/#.*/', '', $candidate);
        }, $pool);
        throw new BadRequestHttpException(sprintf('Unable to find specified request for a replacement %s. Candidates are [%s].', $provided_id, implode(', ', $candidates)));

      // Find the replacements for this match given a subject. If there is more
      // than one response object (a subject) for a given subrequest, then we
      // generate one parallel subrequest per subject.
      foreach ($subjects as $subject) {
          ->addReplacementsForSubject($match, $subject, $provided_id, $token_replacements);
      return $token_replacements;
    return array_reduce($found, $reducer, []);

   * Gets the clean Content ID for a response.
   * Removes all the derived indicators and the surrounding angles.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $response
   *   The response to extract the Content ID from.
   * @returns string
   *   The content ID.
  protected function getContentId(Response $response) {
    $header = $response->headers
      ->get('Content-ID', '');
    return substr($header, 1, strlen($header) - 2);

   * Finds and parses all the tokens in a given string.
   * @param string $subject
   *   The tokenized string. This is usually the URI or the serialized body.
   * @returns array
   *   A list of all the matches. Each match contains the token, the subject to
   *   search replacements in and the JSONPath query to execute.
  protected function findTokens($subject) {
    $matches = [];
    $pattern = '/\\{\\{([^\\{\\}]+\\.[^\\{\\}]+)@([^\\{\\}]+)\\}\\}/';
    preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches);
    if (!($matches = array_filter($matches))) {
      return [];
    $output = [];
    for ($index = 0; $index < count($matches[0]); $index++) {

      // We only care about the first three items: full match, subject ID and
      // JSONPath query.
      $output[] = [
    return $output;

   * Fill replacement values for a subrequest a subject and an structured token.
   * @param array $match
   *   The structured replacement token.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $subject
   *   The response object the token refers to.
   * @param array $token_replacements
   *   The accumulated replacements. Adds items onto the array.
  protected function addReplacementsForSubject(array $match, Response $subject, $provided_id, array &$token_replacements) {
    $json_object = new JsonObject($subject
    $to_replace = $json_object
      ->get($match[2]) ?: [];
    $token = $match[0];

    // The replacements need to be strings. If not, then the replacement
    // is not valid.
    $token_replacements[$provided_id] = empty($token_replacements[$provided_id]) ? [] : $token_replacements[$provided_id];
    $token_replacements[$provided_id][$token] = empty($token_replacements[$provided_id][$token]) ? [] : $token_replacements[$provided_id][$token];
    $token_replacements[$provided_id][$token] = array_merge($token_replacements[$provided_id][$token], $to_replace);

   * Validates tha the JSONPath query yields a string or an array of strings.
   * @param array $to_replace
   *   The replacement candidates.
   * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException
   *   When the replacements are not valid.
  protected function validateJsonPathReplacements($to_replace) {
    $is_valid = is_array($to_replace) && array_reduce($to_replace, function ($valid, $replacement) {
      return $valid && (is_string($replacement) || is_int($replacement) || is_bool($replacement) || is_float($replacement));
    }, TRUE);
    if (!$is_valid) {
      throw new BadRequestHttpException(sprintf('The replacement token did find not a list of strings. Instead it found %s.', Json::encode($to_replace)));



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
JsonPathReplacer::addReplacementsForSubject protected function Fill replacement values for a subrequest a subject and an structured token.
JsonPathReplacer::deserializeMember protected function Undoes the serialization that happened in _serializeMember.
JsonPathReplacer::doReplaceTokensInLocation protected function Creates replacements for either the body or the URI.
JsonPathReplacer::extractTokenReplacements protected function Extracts the token replacements for a given subrequest.
JsonPathReplacer::findTokens protected function Finds and parses all the tokens in a given string.
JsonPathReplacer::getContentId protected function Gets the clean Content ID for a response.
JsonPathReplacer::getPoints protected function Generates a list of sets of coordinates for the token replacements.
JsonPathReplacer::replaceBatch public function Performs the JSON Path replacements in the whole batch.
JsonPathReplacer::replaceItem protected function Searches for JSONPath tokens in the request and replaces it with the values from previous responses.
JsonPathReplacer::replaceTokenSubject protected function Does the replacement on the token subject.
JsonPathReplacer::serializeMember protected function Makes sure that the subject for replacement is a string.
JsonPathReplacer::validateJsonPathReplacements protected function Validates tha the JSONPath query yields a string or an array of strings.