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Functions in Style Switcher 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
styleswitcher_active_style_path ./styleswitcher.module Finds the style active for current user and returns its path. 1
styleswitcher_admin ./ Page callback: Constructs a form for the Styleswitcher configuration. 1
styleswitcher_admin_submit ./ Form submission handler for styleswitcher_admin(). 1
styleswitcher_block_info ./styleswitcher.module Implements hook_block_info().
styleswitcher_block_view ./styleswitcher.module Implements hook_block_view().
styleswitcher_config_theme ./ Page callback: Constructs a form for a theme-specific styles settings. 1
styleswitcher_config_theme_submit ./ Form submission handler for styleswitcher_config_theme().
styleswitcher_config_theme_validate ./ Form validation handler for styleswitcher_config_theme().
styleswitcher_css ./styleswitcher.module Page callback: Redirects to CSS file of currently active style. 1
styleswitcher_custom_styles ./styleswitcher.module Returns a list of custom styles. 4 4
styleswitcher_default_style_key ./styleswitcher.module Finds the default style and returns its key. 3
styleswitcher_element_info_alter ./styleswitcher.module Implements hook_element_info_alter().
styleswitcher_menu ./styleswitcher.module Implements hook_menu().
styleswitcher_permission ./styleswitcher.module Implements hook_permission().
styleswitcher_preprocess_html ./styleswitcher.module Prepares variables for html templates: Adds the dynamic CSS to every page.
styleswitcher_pre_render_styles ./styleswitcher.module Render API callback: Adds HTML id for Styleswitcher style link. 1
styleswitcher_save_user_preference ./styleswitcher.module Saves the style key to the cookie. 2
styleswitcher_sort ./styleswitcher.module Sorts styles by weight and index. 2
styleswitcher_styles_settings ./styleswitcher.module Returns a list of styles with theme-specific settings. 1 6
styleswitcher_style_delete_form ./ Page callback: Constructs a form to delete a single style. 1
styleswitcher_style_delete_form_submit ./ Form submission handler for styleswitcher_style_delete_form().
styleswitcher_style_form ./ Page callback: Constructs a form to add/edit a style. 1
styleswitcher_style_form_submit ./ Form submission handler for styleswitcher_style_form().
styleswitcher_style_form_validate ./ Form validation handler for styleswitcher_style_form().
styleswitcher_style_load ./styleswitcher.module Loads a style array by its machine name and a theme name. 2
styleswitcher_style_load_multiple ./styleswitcher.module Returns a list of styles. 6
styleswitcher_style_title ./styleswitcher.module Returns style's label. 1
styleswitcher_switch ./styleswitcher.module Page callback: Switches style when JS is disabled. 1
styleswitcher_theme ./styleswitcher.module Implements hook_theme().
styleswitcher_themes_disabled ./styleswitcher.module Implements hook_themes_disabled().
styleswitcher_theme_default_style_key ./styleswitcher.module Saves/returns the key of default style provided by a theme. 3
styleswitcher_theme_styles ./styleswitcher.module Returns a list of styles provided by a theme. 3
styleswitcher_uninstall ./styleswitcher.install Implements hook_uninstall().
styleswitcher_update_7000 ./styleswitcher.install Remove hardcoded numeric delta from block.
styleswitcher_update_7201 ./styleswitcher.install Ensure default (blank) style is in place.
styleswitcher_update_7202 ./styleswitcher.install Remove dependency on blank CSS file.
styleswitcher_update_7203 ./styleswitcher.install Prefix style keys in persistent variable.
styleswitcher_update_7204 ./styleswitcher.install Split styles storage into separate variables for settings and properties.
styleswitcher_update_7205 ./styleswitcher.install Filter out styles: delete theme's ones - they will be loaded alive.
styleswitcher_update_7206 ./styleswitcher.install Update styles settings data model to have separate settings per theme.
theme_styleswitcher_admin_styles_table ./ Returns HTML for the styles settings overview form element.
theme_styleswitcher_admin_style_overview ./ Returns HTML for a style description on the styles overview page.
_styleswitcher_configuration_changed ./ Performs routine tasks after module's configuration has been changed. 4
_styleswitcher_config_theme_access ./styleswitcher.module Access callback: Allows only admin and only for enabled themes. 1
_styleswitcher_style_exists ./ Checks whether a submitted machine name value already exists. 1
_styleswitcher_style_name ./styleswitcher.module Transliterates a human-readable name to a machine name. 2
_styleswitcher_weight_delta ./ Calculates #delta for style's weight element. 1

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