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Functions in Styles 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_styles_containers includes/styles.api.php Define information about style containers provided by a module.
hook_styles_styles includes/styles.api.php
styles_autoload ./styles.module Autoload the Styles object classes when needed. 1
styles_containers ./styles.module Get an array of all defined style containers. 6
styles_containers_available_styles ./styles.module Grab all styles available to a specific field type/container. 2
styles_field_formatter_info ./styles.module Implements CCK's hook_field_formatter_info().
styles_get_registered_classes ./styles.module Builds a registry of Style classes. 2
styles_get_styles_class_by_class_name ./styles.module Return the registered Styles class definition specified by name. 1
styles_init ./styles.module Implementation of hook_init().
styles_install ./styles.install Implement hook_install().
styles_presets ./styles.module Return an array of all style presets. 8
styles_schema ./styles.install Implement hook_schema().
styles_styles ./styles.module Get an array of all available styles. 1
styles_theme ./styles.module Implements hook_theme().
styles_uasort ./styles.module Sort the containers array by weight and label. Use like usort($containers, 'styles_usort'); 1
styles_ui_containers_overview contrib/styles_ui/includes/ Page callback for various styles preset overview listing pages. 1
styles_ui_help contrib/styles_ui/styles_ui.module Implementation of hook_help().
styles_ui_menu contrib/styles_ui/styles_ui.module Implementation of hook_menu().
styles_ui_preset_add_form contrib/styles_ui/includes/ Page callback for adding a styles preset. 1
styles_ui_preset_add_form_submit contrib/styles_ui/includes/ Submission handler for the add style preset form.
styles_ui_preset_add_form_validate contrib/styles_ui/includes/ Validation handler for the add style preset form.
styles_ui_preset_edit_form contrib/styles_ui/includes/ Callback for the preset edit form. 1
styles_ui_preview_ajax contrib/styles_ui/includes/ Page callback for styles-ui/preview. 1
styles_ui_theme contrib/styles_ui/styles_ui.module Implementation of hook_theme().
styles_uninstall ./styles.install Implement hook_uninstall().
styles_update_6001 ./styles.install Add new theme functions.
styles_variable_default includes/ The default variables within the Styles namespace. 2
styles_variable_del includes/ Wrapper for variable_del() using the Styles variable registry. 1
styles_variable_get includes/ Wrapper for variable_get() using the Styles variable registry.
styles_variable_name includes/ Return the fully namespace variable name.
styles_variable_set includes/ Wrapper for variable_set() using the Styles variable registry.
template_preprocess_styles themes/
theme_field_formatter_styles themes/ @file Theme and preprocess functions for the Styles project. 1
theme_styles_ui_admin_overview contrib/styles_ui/themes/ Display the preset name on the admin overview page.
_styles_drupal_static includes/ Backport of Drupal 7's drupal_static function. 5

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