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Functions in Style Guide 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_styleguide ./styleguide.api.php Register a style guide element for display.
hook_styleguide_alter ./styleguide.api.php Alter styleguide elements.
styleguide_access_check ./styleguide.module Menu access callback. 1 1
styleguide_form ./styleguide.module Sample form, showing all elements. 1 1
styleguide_form_system_themes_form_alter ./styleguide.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
styleguide_header ./styleguide.module Return a random table header array. 1
styleguide_image ./styleguide.module Provide a default image for display. 1
styleguide_list ./styleguide.module Return a simple array of words. 5
styleguide_lorem ./styleguide.module Lorum ipsum text, used to generate words and phrases. 2
styleguide_menu ./styleguide.module Implements hook_menu().
styleguide_page ./styleguide.module The styleguide page. 1
styleguide_paragraph ./styleguide.module Generate paragraph(s) of random text. 4
styleguide_perm ./styleguide.module Implements hook_permission().
styleguide_rows ./styleguide.module Return a random table row array. 1
styleguide_sentence ./styleguide.module Generate a random sentence. 2
styleguide_styleguide ./ Implements hook_styleguide().
styleguide_styleguide_theme_info_alter ./styleguide.api.php Alter display information about a theme for Style Guide.
styleguide_theme ./styleguide.module Implements hook_theme().
styleguide_word ./styleguide.module Return a random word or words. 4
theme_styleguide_content ./ Theme the content.
theme_styleguide_header ./ Theme the page header.
theme_styleguide_item ./ Theme a display item.
theme_styleguide_links ./ Theme the page links.
_styleguide_page_theme ./styleguide.module Theme callback for the styleguide pages. 1

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