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function stripe_customer_stripe_customer_info in Stripe 7

Implements hook_stripe_customer().

This hook allows other modules to add additional data, such as business_vat_id or additional metadata to Stripe Customer creation and update calls.


stripe_customer/stripe_customer.module, line 326
Provides integration with Stripe and Drupal Users as Customers.


function stripe_customer_stripe_customer_info($account, $extra) {

  // Always include our defaults.
  $properties['email'] = $account->mail;
  $properties['description'] = t('Customer for @mail', array(
    '@mail' => $account->mail,
  $properties['metadata'] = array(
    'Member since' => format_date($account->created, 'short'),
    'Username' => $account->name,
    'User ID' => $account->uid,

  // If we were passed extra parameters, add those last.
  if (!empty($extra)) {
    foreach ($extra as $param => $value) {
      $properties[$param] = $value;
  return $properties;