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function _stripe_customer_delete in Stripe 7

Delete a Stripe customer and update its status in the database.


string $customer_id: The known Stripe Customer ID.

Return value

bool If the customer was deleted, return TRUE.


stripe_customer/stripe_customer.module, line 259
Provides integration with Stripe and Drupal Users as Customers.


function _stripe_customer_delete($customer_id) {
  try {
    $customer = _stripe_customer_retrieve($customer_id);
    if (!empty($customer->deleted)) {

      // Do not delete the customer from the database, but change its status.
      // Deleted customers still exist on Stripe for historical purposes.
      db_query("UPDATE {stripe_customers} set status = :deleted WHERE customer_id = :id", array(
        ':deleted' => STRIPE_CUSTOMER_INACTIVE,
        ':id' => $customer_id,
      return TRUE;
  } catch (\Stripe\Error\InvalidRequest $e) {
    drupal_set_message(t('There was an error deleting this customer: :error', array(
      ':error' => $e
    )), 'error');