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12 calls to stripe_load_library() in Stripe 7

StripePaymentMethodController::loadLibrary in stripe_payment/includes/
Ensure the Stripe API library is loaded.
stripe_admin_keys in ./
Menu callback: configure Stripe API Keys.
stripe_admin_test_submit in ./
Submit callback for the stripe_admin_test form.
stripe_customer_from_webhook in stripe_customer/stripe_customer.module
Retrieve a Stripe Customer from a webhook event.
stripe_customer_install in stripe_customer/stripe_customer.install
Try to import any existing customer_ids from other Stripe modules.
stripe_payment_currencies in ./stripe.module
Return the payment currencies available in the location of our Stripe account.
stripe_payment_payment_method_controller_info in stripe_payment/stripe_payment.module
Implements hook_payment_method_controller_info().
stripe_webhooks_callback in ./
Handler for incoming Stripe Webhook requests.
_stripe_customer_create in stripe_customer/stripe_customer.module
Create a new customer object on Stripe's servers for a Drupal account.
_stripe_customer_delete in stripe_customer/stripe_customer.module
Delete a Stripe customer and update its status in the database.
_stripe_customer_retrieve in stripe_customer/stripe_customer.module
Retrieve customer object from Stripe's servers.
_stripe_customer_update in stripe_customer/stripe_customer.module
Update a Stripe customer on Stripe's servers.