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statspro.test in Statistics Pro 6

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  1. 6.2 tests/statspro.test

Functionality tests for Statistics Pro.


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 * @file
 * Functionality tests for Statistics Pro.
 * @ingroup pathauto

 * Base class for Statistics Pro tests.
 * It implements several usefull functions.
class StatisticsProBaseTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $users = array();
  protected $modules = array();
  protected $type_names = FALSE;
  protected $node_titles = array();
  function setup() {
    $this->modules = func_get_args();
    ), $this->modules);
    $permissions = array(
      'access comments',
      'access content',
      'post comments',
      'post comments without approval',
    $this->users['regular_1'] = $this
    $this->users['regular_2'] = $this
    $this->users['regular_3'] = $this
    $permissions[] = 'create page content';
    $this->users['create_1'] = $this
    $this->users['create_2'] = $this
    $permissions[] = 'access statistics';
    $this->users['stats'] = $this
    $permissions[] = 'administer site configuration';

    //    $permissions[] = 'set default settings for charts';
    $this->users['stats_admin'] = $this
  function getFormatedDate($timestamp) {
    return date('Y-m-d H:i:s O', $timestamp);
  function getAddedDate($timestamp, $diff = 0, $diff_unit = 'd') {
    switch ($diff_unit) {
      case 's':
        $delta = $diff;
      case 'm':
        $delta = 60 * $diff;
      case 'h':
        $delta = 3600 * $diff;
      case 'w':
        $delta = 7 * 24 * 3600 * $diff;
      case 'y':
        $delta = 365 * 24 * 3600 * $diff;
        $delta = 24 * 3600 * $diff;
    $timestamp += $delta;
    return $timestamp;
  function getFormatedAddedDate($timestamp, $diff = 0, $diff_unit = 'd') {
    $new_timestamp = $this
      ->getAddedDate($timestamp, $diff, $diff_unit);
    return $this
  function setChangedTimestamp($node, $new_changed_time) {
    db_query('UPDATE {node}
        SET changed = %d
        WHERE nid = %d', $new_changed_time, $node->nid);
    db_query('UPDATE {node_revisions}
        SET timestamp = %d
        WHERE vid = %d', $new_changed_time, $node->vid);
  function createNode($settings) {
    $node = $this
    if (isset($settings['changed']) && $settings['changed'] != $node->changed) {
        ->setChangedTimestamp($node, $settings['changed']);
      ->verbose('Node created: ' . var_export($node, TRUE));
    $this->node_titles[] = $node->title;
    return $node;
  function createInitialData() {
    $this->node_titles = array();
    $now = time();
    $title = t('Node !this/!total - now', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 1,
    $settings = array(
      'title' => $title,
    $title = t('Node !this/!total - yesterday', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 1,
    $settings['title'] = $title;
    $settings['created'] = $this
      ->getAddedDate($now, -1, 'd');
    $settings['changed'] = $settings['created'];
    $title = t('Node !this/!total - last week', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 2,
    $settings['title'] = $title;
    $settings['created'] = $this
      ->getAddedDate($now, -1, 'w');
    $settings['changed'] = $settings['created'];
    $title = t('Node !this/!total - last week', array(
      '!this' => 2,
      '!total' => 2,
    $settings['title'] = $title;
    $settings['created'] = $this
      ->getAddedDate($now, -5, 'd');
    $settings['changed'] = $settings['created'];
    $title = t('Node !this/!total - last month', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 1,
    $settings['title'] = $title;
    $settings['created'] = $this
      ->getAddedDate($now, -15, 'd');
    $settings['changed'] = $settings['created'];
    $title = t('Node !this/!total - last year', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 3,
    $settings['title'] = $title;
    $settings['created'] = $this
      ->getAddedDate($now, -45, 'd');
    $settings['changed'] = $settings['created'];
    $title = t('Node !this/!total - last year', array(
      '!this' => 2,
      '!total' => 3,
    $settings['title'] = $title;
    $settings['created'] = $this
      ->getAddedDate($now, -315, 'd');
    $settings['changed'] = $settings['created'];
    $title = t('Node !this/!total - last year', array(
      '!this' => 3,
      '!total' => 3,
    $settings['title'] = $title;
    $settings['created'] = $this
      ->getAddedDate($now, -183, 'd');
    $settings['changed'] = $settings['created'];
  function callCron() {
  function getTypeName($type) {
    if (!$this->type_names) {
      $this->type_names = array(
        'pi' => t('page impressions'),
        'upi' => t('authenticated users page impressions'),
        'error' => t('errors'),
        'uerror' => t('authenticated users errors'),
        'warning' => t('warnings'),
        'uwarning' => t('authenticated users warnings'),
        'users' => t('total number of users'),
        'terms' => t('total number of terms'),
        'nodes' => t('total number of nodes'),
        'node_types' => t('total number of node types'),
        'comments' => t('total number of comments'),
        'aliases' => t('total number of aliases'),
        'sessions' => t('total number of sessions'),
        'modules' => t('total number of modules'),
    $defined = isset($this->type_names[$type]);
    if ($defined) {
      return $this->type_names[$type];
    else {
        ->assertTrue($defined, t("Type '%type' not identified.", array(
        '%type' => $type,
      )), t('Get type name from type.'));
      return '';
  function completeTestStatsHasTexts($texts, $raws, $period = FALSE, $group = '', $url = FALSE, $use_post = TRUE) {
    if (!$url) {
      $url = 'admin/reports/statspro';
    if ($use_post) {
      if ($period) {
        $edits = array(
          'statspro_period' => $period,
      else {
        $edits = array();
      $submit = t('Save configuration');
      $page = $this
        ->drupalPost($url, $edits, $submit);
    else {
      $page = $this
      ->verbose(var_export($page, TRUE));
    foreach ($texts as $text) {
        ->assertText($text, t("Text '@text' found for period '@period'.", array(
        '@text' => $text,
        '@period' => $period ? $period : t('Period not changed'),
      )), $group);
    foreach ($raws as $raw) {
        ->assertRaw($raw, t("Raw text '@text' found in HTML for period '@period'.", array(
        '@text' => $raw,
        '@period' => $period ? $period : t('Period not changed'),
      )), $group);
  function completeTestAggregatedData($type, $correct, $group) {
    $result = $this->statspro
      ->verbose(t("statspro->get_aggregate_stat('@type') result: '@result'", array(
      '@result' => var_export($result, TRUE),
      '@type' => $type,
    $message = t("The number of @name - statspro->get_aggregate_stat(@type) - should be '@correct'. It is '@wrong'.", array(
      '@correct' => var_export($correct, TRUE),
      '@wrong' => var_export($result['amount'], TRUE),
      '@name' => $this
      '@type' => $type,
      ->assertEqual($result['amount'], $correct, $message, $group);
  function get_dump($value, $level = 0) {
    if ($level == -1) {
      $trans[' '] = '&there4;';
      $trans["\t"] = '&rArr;';
      $trans["\n"] = '&para;;';
      $trans["\r"] = '&lArr;';
      $trans["\0"] = '&oplus;';
      return strtr(htmlspecialchars($value), $trans);
    $output = '';
    if ($level == 0) {
      $output .= '<pre>';
    $type = gettype($value);
    $output .= $type;
    if ($type == 'string') {
      $output .= '(' . mb_strlen($value) . ')';
      $value = dump($value, -1);
    elseif ($type == 'boolean') {
      $value = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
    elseif ($type == 'object') {
      $props = get_class_vars(get_class($value));
      $output .= '(' . count($props) . ') <u>' . get_class($value) . '</u>';
      foreach ($props as $key => $val) {
        $output .= "\n" . str_repeat("\t", $level + 1) . $key . ' => ';
        $output .= dump($value->{$key}, $level + 1);
      $value = '';
    elseif ($type == 'array') {
      $output .= '(' . count($value) . ')';
      foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
        $output .= "\n" . str_repeat("\t", $level + 1) . dump($key, -1) . ' => ';
        $output .= dump($val, $level + 1);
      $value = '';
    $output .= " <b>{$value}</b>";
    if ($level == 0) {
      $output .= '</pre>';
    return $output;


 * Class responsible for testing the module.
class StatisticsProTestCase extends StatisticsProBaseTestCase {

   * Implementation of getInfo().
  function getinfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Main tests'),
      'description' => t('Test Statistics Pro module functionality.'),
      'group' => 'Statistics Pro',

   * Implementation of setUp().
  function setup() {

    // Enable any modules required for the test
    parent::setup('views', 'statistics', 'statspro', 'devel');
  function testMainTests() {

     * Turning on the access logs.
    $edit = array(
      'statistics_enable_access_log' => 1,
      'statistics_flush_accesslog_timer' => 9676800,
      ->drupalPost('admin/reports/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // Anonymous user navigation.
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - now', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 1,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last week', array(
      '!this' => 2,
      '!total' => 2,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last year', array(
      '!this' => 2,
      '!total' => 3,

    // Asking for inexistent pages.

    // Authenticated user nagivation.
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last week', array(
      '!this' => 2,
      '!total' => 2,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last month', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 1,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last week', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 2,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - now', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 1,

    // Asking for inexistent pages.
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last week', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 2,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - now', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 1,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last year', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 3,
    $group = t('General Statistics Pro tests');
    $periods = statspro_get_period_items();

    //    $this->drupalLogin($this->users['stats_admin']);
    //    $edit = array(
    //      'plugin' => 'google',
    //      'type' => 'line2D',
    //      'width' => 400,
    //      'height' => 200,
    //      'color[background]' => '#ffffff',
    //      'color[text]' => '#000000',
    //      'color[0]' => '#ff0000',
    //      'color[1]' => '#00cc00',
    //      'color[2]' => '#0066b3',
    //      'color[3]' => '#ff8000',
    //      'color[4]' => '#ffcc00',
    //      'color[5]' => '#330099',
    //      'color[6]' => '#990099',
    //      'color[7]' => '#ccff00',
    //    );
    //    $this->drupalPost('admin/settings/charts', $edit, t('Save settings'));

     * Common stats.
     * Period: default (today).
    $period = 'today';
    $texts = array(
      'User registrations8',
      'User online7',
      'New nodes1',
      'Changed nodes0',
      'Page impressions21',
      'Page impressions for authenticated users10',
      'Errors for authenticated users0',
      'Warnings for authenticated users2',
    $raws = array();
      ->completeTestStatsHasTexts($texts, $raws, FALSE, $group, FALSE, FALSE);

     * Common stats.
     * Period: yesterday.
    $period = 'yesterday';
    $texts = array(
      'User registrations0',
      'User online0',
      'New nodes1',
      'Changed nodes0',
      'No access and log files available for specified period.',
    $raws = array();
      ->completeTestStatsHasTexts($texts, $raws, $period, $group);

     * Not testing other periods as their results are hardto reproduce because
     * "current month" for example can have from a few seconds (at the begining
     * of the month) up to 31 days at the end so the resultings stats vary.

     * Comments stats.
    $texts = array(
      'Overview for new created comments.',
    $result = db_query('SELECT day FROM {statspro}');
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
      $texts[] = $row['day'];
    $raws = array();
      ->completeTestStatsHasTexts($texts, $raws, FALSE, $group, 'admin/reports/statspro/comment', FALSE);

     * Log stats.
    $texts = array(
      'Overview for warnings.',
      'Overview for warnings, registered users only.',
    $result = db_query('SELECT day
        FROM {statspro}
        WHERE error > 0
          OR uerror > 0
          OR warning > 0
          OR uwarning > 0');
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
      $texts[] = $row['day'];
    $raws = array();
      ->completeTestStatsHasTexts($texts, $raws, FALSE, $group, 'admin/reports/statspro/log', FALSE);

     * Nodes stats.
    $texts = array(
      'Overview for new created nodes.',
      'Overview for changed nodes.',
      'New nodes',
      'Changed nodes',
    $raws = array();
      ->completeTestStatsHasTexts($texts, $raws, FALSE, $group, 'admin/reports/statspro/node', FALSE);

     * PI stats.
    $texts = array(
      'Page impressions for guests and registered users.',
      'Page impressions registered users.',
      'Page impressions',
      'Page impressions, users',
    $raws = array();
      ->completeTestStatsHasTexts($texts, $raws, FALSE, $group, 'admin/reports/statspro/pi', FALSE);

     * Users stats.
    $texts = array(
      'Overview for new user registrations.',
      'Overview for online user activity.',
      'User registrations',
      'User online',
    $raws = array();
      ->completeTestStatsHasTexts($texts, $raws, FALSE, $group, 'admin/reports/statspro/user', FALSE);


 * Class resposible for testing the statspro class.
class StatsproTestCase extends StatisticsProBaseTestCase {
  protected $statspro;

   * Implementation of getInfo().
  function getinfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('statspro class tests'),
      'description' => t('Test the statspro class.'),
      'group' => 'Statistics Pro',

   * Implementation of setUp().
  function setup() {

    // Enable any modules required for the test
    parent::setup('views', 'statistics', 'statspro');
    require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'statspro') . '/';
    $this->statspro = new statspro();
  function testInitialState() {
    $group = t('General statspro class tests');

     * Absolute amounts: pi, upi, error, uerror, warning and uwarning.
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('pi', 0, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('upi', 0, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('error', 0, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('uerror', 0, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('warning', 0, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('uwarning', 0, $group);

     * Non-absolute amounts: users, terms, nodes, node_types, comments,
     * aliases, sessions and modules.

     * Drupal already creates the "zero" user which is tne non-authenticated
     * user and saves the slot for the admin user so we have to add 2 to the
     * number of users we created up until now in the test.
    $correct = 2 + count($this->users);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('users', $correct, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('terms', 0, $group);
    $correct = count($this->node_titles);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('nodes', $correct, $group);

    // Drupal already has 2 node types defined: page and story.
    $correct = 2;
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('node_types', $correct, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('comments', 0, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('aliases', 0, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('sessions', 1, $group);

    // The basic Drupal installation already has 11 modules enabled.
    $correct = 11 + count($this->modules);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('modules', $correct, $group);
  function testPosNavegationState() {

     * Turning on the access logs.
    $edit = array(
      'statistics_enable_access_log' => 1,
      'statistics_flush_accesslog_timer' => 9676800,
      ->drupalPost('admin/reports/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // Anonymous user navigation.
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - now', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 1,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last week', array(
      '!this' => 2,
      '!total' => 2,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last year', array(
      '!this' => 2,
      '!total' => 3,

    // Asking for inexistent pages.

    // Authenticated user nagivation.
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last week', array(
      '!this' => 2,
      '!total' => 2,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last month', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 1,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last week', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 2,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - now', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 1,

    // Asking for inexistent pages.
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last week', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 2,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - now', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 1,
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle(t('Node !this/!total - last year', array(
      '!this' => 1,
      '!total' => 3,
    $group = t('General statspro class tests');

    * Absolute amounts: pi, upi, error, uerror, warning and uwarning.

    * Besides the 10 get nodes above, Drupal produces 11 extra page impressions.
    $correct = 10 + 11;
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('pi', $correct, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('upi', 10, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('error', 0, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('uerror', 0, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('warning', 4, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('uwarning', 2, $group);

     * Non-absolute amounts: users, terms, nodes, node_types, comments,
     * aliases, sessions and modules.

     * Drupal already creates the "zero" user which is tne non-authenticated
     * user and saves the slot for the admin user so we have to add 2 to the
     * number of users we created up until now in the test.
    $correct = 2 + count($this->users);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('users', $correct, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('terms', 0, $group);
    $correct = count($this->node_titles);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('nodes', $correct, $group);

    // Drupal already has 2 node types defined: page and story.
    $correct = 2;
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('node_types', $correct, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('comments', 0, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('aliases', 0, $group);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('sessions', 1, $group);

    // The basic Drupal installation already has 11 modules enabled.
    $correct = 11 + count($this->modules);
      ->completeTestAggregatedData('modules', $correct, $group);



Namesort descending Description
StatisticsProBaseTestCase Base class for Statistics Pro tests.
StatisticsProTestCase Class responsible for testing the module.
StatsproTestCase Class resposible for testing the statspro class.