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class Connection in Drupal driver for SQL Server and SQL Azure 4.1.x

Same name in this branch
  1. 4.1.x tests/database_statement_monitoring_test/Connection.php \Drupal\database_statement_monitoring_test\sqlsrv\Connection
  2. 4.1.x src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Connection.php \Drupal\sqlsrv\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Connection
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.2.x tests/database_statement_monitoring_test/Connection.php \Drupal\database_statement_monitoring_test\sqlsrv\Connection
  2. 4.0.x tests/database_statement_monitoring_test/Connection.php \Drupal\database_statement_monitoring_test\sqlsrv\Connection

SqlSrv Connection class that can log executed queries.


Expanded class hierarchy of Connection


tests/database_statement_monitoring_test/Connection.php, line 11


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class Connection extends BaseConnection {
  use LoggedStatementsTrait;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Connection::$connection protected property The actual PDO connection.
Connection::$connectionOptions protected property The connection information for this connection object.
Connection::$driverClasses protected property Index of what driver-specific class to use for various operations.
Connection::$escapedAliases protected property List of escaped aliases names, keyed by unescaped aliases.
Connection::$escapedFields protected property List of escaped field names, keyed by unescaped names.
Connection::$escapedNames Deprecated protected property List of escaped database, table, and field names, keyed by unescaped names.
Connection::$escapedTables protected property List of escaped table names, keyed by unescaped names.
Connection::$identifierQuotes protected property The identifier quote characters for the database type. Overrides Connection::$identifierQuotes
Connection::$key protected property The key representing this connection.
Connection::$logger protected property The current database logging object for this connection.
Connection::$prefixes protected property The prefixes used by this database connection.
Connection::$prefixReplace protected property List of replacement values for use in prefixTables().
Connection::$prefixSearch protected property List of search values for use in prefixTables().
Connection::$rootTransactionEndCallbacks protected property Post-root (non-nested) transaction commit callbacks.
Connection::$schema protected property The schema object for this connection. Overrides Connection::$schema
Connection::$sqlsrvConditionOperatorMap protected static property A map of condition operators to sqlsrv operators.
Connection::$statementClass protected property The name of the Statement class for this connection. Overrides Connection::$statementClass
Connection::$statementWrapperClass protected property The name of the StatementWrapper class for this connection. Overrides Connection::$statementWrapperClass
Connection::$target protected property The database target this connection is for.
Connection::$tempKey protected property The connection's unique key for global temporary tables.
Connection::$temporaryNameIndex Deprecated protected property An index used to generate unique temporary table names.
Connection::$tempTablePrefix protected property The temporary table prefix.
Connection::$transactionalDDLSupport protected property Whether this database connection supports transactional DDL. 2
Connection::$transactionLayers protected property Tracks the number of "layers" of transactions currently active.
Connection::$unprefixedTablesMap protected property List of un-prefixed table names, keyed by prefixed table names.
Connection::ACCESS_DENIED constant Error code for "Access denied" error.
Connection::addRootTransactionEndCallback public function Adds a root transaction end callback.
Connection::clientVersion public function Returns the version of the database client.
Connection::commit public function Throws an exception to deny direct access to transaction commits.
Connection::condition public function Prepares and returns a CONDITION query object.
Connection::createConnectionOptionsFromUrl public static function Adding schema to the connection URL. Overrides Connection::createConnectionOptionsFromUrl
Connection::createDatabase public function Creates a database. Overrides Connection::createDatabase
Connection::createUrlFromConnectionOptions public static function Adding schema to the connection URL. Overrides Connection::createUrlFromConnectionOptions
Connection::databaseType public function Returns the name of the PDO driver for this connection. Overrides Connection::databaseType
Connection::DATABASE_NOT_FOUND constant Error code for "Unknown database" error.
Connection::defaultOptions protected function Returns the default query options for any given query.
Connection::delete public function Prepares and returns a DELETE query object.
Connection::destroy Deprecated public function Destroys this Connection object.
Connection::doCommit protected function Do the actual commit, invoke post-commit callbacks. 1
Connection::driver public function Returns the type of database driver. Overrides Connection::driver
Connection::escapeAlias public function Escapes an alias name string.
Connection::escapeDatabase public function Escapes a database name string.
Connection::escapeField public function Escapes a field name string.
Connection::escapeLike public function Escapes characters that work as wildcard characters in a LIKE pattern.
Connection::escapeTable public function Escapes a table name string.
Connection::exceptionHandler public function Returns the database exceptions handler.
Connection::expandArguments protected function Expands out shorthand placeholders.
Connection::filterComment protected function Sanitize a query comment string.
Connection::findParenMatch private function Given a string find the matching parenthesis after the given point.
Connection::generateTemporaryTableName protected function Allowing local or global temp tables. Overrides Connection::generateTemporaryTableName
Connection::getConnectionOptions public function Returns the connection information for this connection object.
Connection::getFullQualifiedTableName public function Including schema name. Overrides Connection::getFullQualifiedTableName
Connection::getKey public function Returns the key this connection is associated with.
Connection::getLogger public function Gets the current logging object for this connection.
Connection::getPagerManager public function Get the pager manager service, if available.
Connection::getProvider public function Get the module name of the module that is providing the database driver.
Connection::getSQLState protected static function Extracts the SQLSTATE error from the PDOException.
Connection::getTarget public function Returns the target this connection is associated with.
Connection::getTempTablePrefix public function The temporary table prefix.
Connection::getUnprefixedTablesMap public function Gets a list of individually prefixed table names.
Connection::handleQueryException Deprecated protected function Wraps and re-throws any PDO exception thrown by static::query(). 2
Connection::insert public function Prepares and returns an INSERT query object.
Connection::inTransaction public function Determines if there is an active transaction open.
Connection::isTemporaryTable public function Is this table a temporary table?
Connection::makeComment public function Flatten an array of query comments into a single comment string.
Connection::makeSequenceName public function Creates the appropriate sequence name for a given table and serial field.
Connection::mapConditionOperator public function Gets any special processing requirements for the condition operator. Overrides Connection::mapConditionOperator
Connection::merge public function Prepares and returns a MERGE query object.
Connection::nextId public function Retrieves a unique ID from a given sequence. Overrides Connection::nextId
Connection::open public static function Uses SQL Server format. Overrides Connection::open
Connection::popCommittableTransactions protected function SQL Server does not support RELEASE SAVEPOINT. Overrides Connection::popCommittableTransactions
Connection::popTransaction public function Decreases the depth of transaction nesting.
Connection::prefixTables public function Appends a database prefix to all tables in a query.
Connection::prepare Deprecated public function Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object. 1
Connection::prepareQuery Deprecated public function Prepares a query string and returns the prepared statement.
Connection::prepareStatement public function Overrides Connection::prepareStatement
Connection::preprocessQuery public function Massage a query to make it compliant with SQL Server.
Connection::preprocessStatement protected function Returns a string SQL statement ready for preparation.
Connection::pushTransaction public function Using SQL Server query syntax. Overrides Connection::pushTransaction
Connection::queryDirect public function Like query but with no query preprocessing.
Connection::queryRange public function Runs a limited-range query on this database object. Overrides Connection::queryRange
Connection::queryTemporary public function Runs a SELECT query and stores its results in a temporary table. Overrides Connection::queryTemporary
Connection::quote public function Quotes a string for use in a query.
Connection::quoteIdentifiers public function Quotes all identifiers in a query.
Connection::RESERVED_REGEXP constant This is the original replacement regexp from Microsoft.
Connection::rollBack public function Using SQL Server query syntax. Overrides Connection::rollBack
Connection::schema public function Returns a DatabaseSchema object for manipulating the schema.
Connection::select public function Prepares and returns a SELECT query object.
Connection::setKey public function Tells this connection object what its key is.
Connection::setLogger public function Associates a logging object with this connection.
Connection::setPrefix protected function Adding logic for temporary tables. Overrides Connection::setPrefix
Connection::setTarget public function Tells this connection object what its target value is.
Connection::startTransaction public function Returns a new DatabaseTransaction object on this connection.
Connection::supportsTransactionalDDL public function Determines if this driver supports transactional DDL.
Connection::supportsTransactions Deprecated public function Determines if this driver supports transactions.
Connection::tablePrefix public function Adding logic for temporary tables. Overrides Connection::tablePrefix
Connection::transactionDepth public function Determines the current transaction depth.
Connection::truncate public function Prepares and returns a TRUNCATE query object.
Connection::update public function Prepares and returns an UPDATE query object.
Connection::upsert public function Prepares and returns an UPSERT query object.
Connection::version public function Returns the version of the database server. 2
Connection::__construct public function Constructs a Connection object. Overrides Connection::__construct
Connection::__destruct public function Ensures that the PDO connection can be garbage collected. 2
Connection::__sleep public function Prevents the database connection from being serialized.
LoggedStatementsTrait::$loggedStatements protected property Logged statements.
LoggedStatementsTrait::getDriverClass public function
LoggedStatementsTrait::getLoggedStatements public function Returns the executed queries.
LoggedStatementsTrait::query public function
LoggedStatementsTrait::resetLoggedStatements public function Resets logged statements.