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class Truncate in Drupal driver for SQL Server and SQL Azure 4.1.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.2.x src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Truncate.php \Drupal\sqlsrv\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Truncate
  2. 3.1.x src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Truncate.php \Drupal\sqlsrv\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Truncate
  3. 4.0.x src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Truncate.php \Drupal\sqlsrv\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Truncate

General class for an abstracted TRUNCATE operation.

Can the execute function be removed? It's identical to the parent.


Expanded class hierarchy of Truncate


src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Truncate.php, line 12


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class Truncate extends QueryTruncate {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function execute() {
    return $this->connection
      ->query((string) $this, [], $this->queryOptions);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __toString() {

    // Create a sanitized comment string to prepend to the query.
    $comments = $this->connection

    // In most cases, TRUNCATE is not a transaction safe statement as it is a
    // DDL statement which results in an implicit COMMIT. When we are in a
    // transaction, fallback to the slower, but transactional, DELETE.
    // PostgreSQL also locks the entire table for a TRUNCATE strongly reducing
    // the concurrency with other transactions.
    if ($this->connection
      ->inTransaction()) {
      return $comments . 'DELETE FROM {' . $this->connection
        ->escapeTable($this->table) . '}';
    else {
      return $comments . 'TRUNCATE TABLE {' . $this->connection
        ->escapeTable($this->table) . '} ';



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Query::$comments protected property An array of comments that can be prepended to a query.
Query::$connection protected property The connection object on which to run this query.
Query::$connectionKey protected property The key of the connection object.
Query::$connectionTarget protected property The target of the connection object.
Query::$nextPlaceholder protected property The placeholder counter.
Query::$queryOptions protected property The query options to pass on to the connection object.
Query::$uniqueIdentifier protected property A unique identifier for this query object.
Query::comment public function Adds a comment to the query.
Query::getComments public function Returns a reference to the comments array for the query.
Query::getConnection public function Gets the database connection to be used for the query.
Query::nextPlaceholder public function Gets the next placeholder value for this query object. Overrides PlaceholderInterface::nextPlaceholder
Query::uniqueIdentifier public function Returns a unique identifier for this object. Overrides PlaceholderInterface::uniqueIdentifier
Query::__clone public function Implements the magic __clone function. 1
Query::__sleep public function Implements the magic __sleep function to disconnect from the database.
Query::__wakeup public function Implements the magic __wakeup function to reconnect to the database.
Truncate::$table protected property The table to truncate.
Truncate::compile public function
Truncate::compiled public function
Truncate::execute public function Executes the TRUNCATE query. Overrides Truncate::execute
Truncate::__construct public function Constructs a Truncate query object. Overrides Query::__construct
Truncate::__toString public function Implements PHP magic __toString method to convert the query to a string. Overrides Truncate::__toString