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function spamicide_field_place_field in Spamicide 6

Place the spamicide field just before the submit button

@todo figure out how to make this work




1 call to spamicide_field_place_field()
spamicide_form_alter in ./spamicide.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter


./spamicide.module, line 391
This module provides yet another tool to eliminate spam.


function spamicide_field_place_field(&$form, $form_id) {

  // search the weights of the buttons in the form
  $button_weights = array();
  foreach (element_children($form) as $key) {
    if ($key == 'buttons' || isset($form[$key]['#type']) && $form[$key]['#type'] == 'submit') {
      if (!isset($form[$key]['#weight'])) {

         * forcing the issue of button weights
         * Setting a weight if there isn't one
        $form[$key]['#weight'] = 1;
      $button_weights[] = ++$form[$key]['#weight'];
  if (!empty($button_weights)) {

     * forcing the issue of button weights
     * push them all down 1
    $spamicide_weight = min($button_weights) - 1;
    $spamicide_field = _spamicide_get_field($form_id);
    if ($spamicide_field) {
      $form[$spamicide_field]['#weight'] = $spamicide_weight;
    else {
      $form['spamicide']['#weight'] = $spamicide_weight;

    // make sure the form gets sorted before rendering
  return $form;