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function spambot_user_spam in Spambot 7

Page callback for 'user/%user/spambot' path.

1 string reference to 'spambot_user_spam'
spambot_menu in ./spambot.module
Implements hook_menu().


./, line 11
User available pages from Spambot module.


function spambot_user_spam($account) {

  // Check if current user isn't anonymous user.
  if (!$account->uid) {
    drupal_set_message(t("The Anonymous user account can't be reported for spam. If you intended to block a user account verify that the URL is /user/XXXX/spambot where XXXX is a valid UID"), 'warning');
    return MENU_NOT_FOUND;
  return drupal_get_form('spambot_user_spam_admin_form', $account);