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function spambot_report_account in Spambot 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 spambot.module \spambot_report_account()
  2. 7 spambot.module \spambot_report_account()

Reports an account as a spammer.

Requires ip address and evidence of a single incident.


object $account: Account to report.

string $ip: IP address to report.

string $evidence: Evidence to report.

bool $key: Api_key from config.

Return value

bool TRUE if successful, FALSE if error

4 calls to spambot_report_account()
SpambotUserspamForm::actionSubmit in src/Form/SpambotUserspamForm.php
Function provide functional for button "take action".
SpambotUserspamTest::testSpambotReportAccountEmptyApiKey in tests/src/Kernel/SpambotUserspamTest.php
Test spambot_report_account() function without "api_key".
SpambotUserspamTest::testSpambotReportAccountIncorrectApiKey in tests/src/Kernel/SpambotUserspamTest.php
Test spambot_report_account() function with incorrect "api_key".
SpambotUserspamTest::testSpambotReportSpamAccount in tests/src/Kernel/SpambotUserspamTest.php
Test spambot_report_account() function with correct "api_key".


./spambot.module, line 568
Main module file.


function spambot_report_account($account, $ip, $evidence, $key = FALSE) {
  $success = FALSE;
  if ($key) {
    $query['api_key'] = $key;
    $query['email'] = $account
    $query['username'] = $account
    $query['ip_addr'] = $ip;
    $query['evidence'] = Unicode::truncate($evidence, SPAMBOT_MAX_EVIDENCE_LENGTH);
    $uri = '';
    $options = [
      'headers' => [
        'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
      'form_params' => $query,
    try {
      $result = \Drupal::httpClient()
        ->request('POST', $uri, $options);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      return FALSE;
    $data = !empty($result) ? $result
      ->getContents() : '';
    if (!empty($result
      ->getStatusCode()) && $result
      ->getStatusCode() == 200 && !empty($data) && stripos($data, 'data submitted successfully') !== FALSE) {
      $success = TRUE;
    elseif (stripos($data, 'duplicate') !== FALSE) {

      // can return a 503 code
      // with data = '<p>recent duplicate entry</p>'
      // which we will treat as successful.
      $success = TRUE;
    else {
        ->notice("Error reporting account: %url <pre>\n@dump</pre>", [
        '%url' => Url::fromUri($uri),
        '@dump' => print_r($result, TRUE),
  return $success;